Any Free Plants On The Go?

Speaking of plants, Does anyone here know a cheap source for Riccia?, I just looked on ebay and there is someone selling a 10cm x 10cm square for £11 + £4 postage, That's after selling the same a little while ago for £7 + £3 postage.
Someones on the make if you ask me.

Someone else is selling some but they do not take paypal, Big mistake in this day and age. They just lost a sale.
Ok all you young 'uns :p

I'm going to have *some* of the following available to you FOC - probably tomorrow, if all goes to plan....

1. A few stems of Camboba - originally from my LFS, was struggling at first, but now growing very well in my tank

2. 2 or 3 twisted Vallis - from LFS as well, and it has been struggling since day one. Not sure what state it will arrive to you in, but it is free, and you might be able to get it to work!

3. A couple of stems of Water Wisteria - Growing like a manic thing. Easy to grow!

4. (Drum roll please).....possibly a small quantity of Riccia - depending on how I get on creating my Riccia Rock tomorrow.

I'll happily post it out first class in padded envelopes for free. I'm going to give the two cheeky teenagers first dibs on the stuff, and split it 50/50 between the two of you 8) Apart from maybe some of the Riccia which I'm happy to swap for some Java Moss with velcrohead.

PM me you guys - tonight would be good.

I may have some more stuff after the re-scape tomorrow. I'll post here with an update then.

Feels good to put something back into the TFF community :)
Sounds great, PM sent and I really appreciate it!

Oh, and on another note, it's my birthday tommorow so I want to see 1,000's of presents at my front door by the morning! Lmao only joking, but it is my birthday! :hey:

Just thought I had to add that to scrounge a bit more lmao,

Neal :good: :good: :good:
oh can i have some i'm ony 3 years old and blind in one eye and i walk with a limp and i'm alergic to sun light so i can't go out side!!!

no only joking it should go to worthy causes!
Lol Scott, stop describing me! Nah i'm only joking, im perfectly fine, beautiful, well erm my fish agree, that counts right? Nah, I don't have any means of transportation apart from a BMX with punctures in both tires (god damn drains and kerbs I like to try to bunnyhop on but pop my tires instead!), and I don't get money that often, although it is my birthday tommorow and some of my money will probably go towards stuff for my new birthday present, a 20 Gal! :hyper:

Neal :good:
Neal and Siamesefighter, If you both PM me your addresses I will send some plants as soon as they are ready, I will get some sealy bags and envelopes from work today and hopefully post them next week as I should be having a prune this weekend, Boy does it need it at the moment.
I will be having a prune in my tank soon, You are welcome to what I have spare.
You may end up with some MTS though, But these are the good fellows.
If there is enough to go around i'll be pleased to have some i will sort out p&p. But Neal has first priority.PM me when they are ready.
Hi Guys,
I am just posting this to thank you for some plants that got sent tome in the post you guys have been really kind. Perhaps you could send some more :blush: :p Only joking ( you can if you want to) as some one 'you don't ask you don't get. Anyhow thanks.
Thanks for the plants guys, i'm done for plants at the moment, so don't worry about sending me them, unless they have weights on, then I will gladly have them! Just give them to SiameseFighter. I really appreciate the plants you sent me, it's my first time i've ever got something like that, I expected a few dead leaves, but I got whole plants in good health, some with weights on. 8)

Thanks alot!

Neal :good:

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