Just Started


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May 8, 2006
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:good: hi all i am new i have just started me aquarium, but i have one problem i have looked at pictures of troical fish and i have to sucking loaches but it looks more like a flying fox? so i cant decide which one it is.
cycle the tank first, ive lost 2/3rds of my fish b/c ammonia
i no what the fish i have now the are sucking loaches (alge eaters ) and i have just gone out today and got one pleco and 6 leopard danios which is pretty cool
you should have cycled, i wouldnt be surprised if some of them died like mine
Hi! I know some people do cycle with danios, but for the fishes sake please do a fishless cycle! The ammonia levels can harm their gills and make life painful
im cycling now and my poor platy is suffering hopefull he gets thru it,and if he does, lots of bloodworms for him and lots of females

but ur dainos will most liekly survive b/c there hardy like the platy, and dainos are known to survive a cycle
cool and wht do u all ways mean by cycleso but i a idiot
cycling is when beneficial bacteria begins to grow in the tank, however ur fish are creating ammonia at the same time, the ammonia levels skyrocket b/c the bacteria is still growing and it takes away ammonia, that is why many fish dont tolerate the cycle process
o right well i think me algea eaters will sort that out a bit
i would move them durring cycling, sometimes algea helps and they may not be hardy enough. ammonia is like cold air, sinks to the bottom leaving the top with the good stuff
o right
is there any more pointers i can have with my other fish i have :6 - leopard danios
6-neon tetras
2 - sucking loaches
1 - pleco
You need to stop putting fish in the tank, The neons will almost certainly die I'm affraid, Infact all may do except the danios, Have a look at the stickys in the beginners section for info on cycling etc.
Loaches will not help with keeping ammonia down, they add to it.
At the moment you really need test kits to keep an eye on the water quality and do very regular water changes, Or take the fish back where you got them and cycle the tank.

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