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  1. P

    Concerts, Who've You Seen?

    Best bands ive seen are: Nine Inch Nails - WUV, i guarantee that its awesome, he plays Hurt with a lot of passion on the keys and I got a plec! Its got NIN on it and it never leaves my wallet :D Pantera - supported by powerman 2000, brother of rob zombie. Pantera arent in the UK that often :/...
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    Graphics Cards

    Theyre PCIE - new PCI dedicated to graphics only. The problem withAGP is that even though you gained massive speed over PCI for graphics you lost the ability to piggyback your cards... remember PCI expansion cards like the Matrox M3D for the Matrox Mystique / Millenium? Or the Diamons Moster or...
  3. P

    Html/ Xml Coding

    Everything you see on a webpage is html :P With the possible exception of Javascript, but considering they run in a HTML environment it still counts. The trick to making webpages is tables! Get your tables sorted out nicely, get your graphics cut out to fit them nicely and hey presto - instant...
  4. P

    What Are Your Favourite Pc Games?

    Its impossible to order them, but these games occupy my Number 1 slot: Curse of Monkey Island Desu Ex No One Lives Forever Theif and Theif 2 Civilization 2 UFO Enemy Unknown & UFO Terror from the Deep COMMAND AND CONQUOR RED ALERT! YAY!! Dungeon Siege Quake 3, Quake 2 HalfLife ...
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    Dwarf Puffer Tank

    Hardy plants are the way to go. Java moss for the floor and Java ferns tied to porus rocks are always good. Try a few short leafed Amazon Swords. All these plans are commonly found and should be hardy. This is a vry similar planting that I have in my DP tank, only sans Java Moss and plus...
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    10g Oddball?

    A single Dwarf Puffer! Id say you could get two, because technically you can (one DP per 5 gal is the rule of thumb), but having heard of no one, including myself, with long-term success with more than one DP in a tank, then one per tank works :D
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    Making A Website

    It wont work if you install it directly onto your computer, you need to install it on a webserver that has access to a database of some sort... If you want to set up your own computer as a webserver, thats not too difficult but will require server software and adequate security policies... this...
  8. P

    My 7 Day Vegetarian Journey- With Pics!

    Well done Animation =) Who knows, you might actually keep up with it after your time is over ;) And Bennett, there are pictures! The rice & vegetable curry actually looks really nice.
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    Dwarf Puffers

    Well... technically the 16gal biob does offer enough space for one. Theres a lot of split opinions on biorbs. My personal opinion is that theyre bad for fish generally, and Dwarf Puffers are a specialist fish to keep properly, even in a typical tank setup. Id say no go for any puffer in a biorb...
  10. P

    Snail Infestation!

    I forgot about those things! I know that Sera do an apparantly quite good snail-b-gone solution, although Ive never used it myself (owning pufers, snails are free food :D )
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    Dwarf Puffers

    Dont get Dwarf Puffers. Theyre aggressive and even with the heavy planting and rocky hiding places the buggers will hunt eachother down and kill eachother. I had a 15gal setup with three of them - Im down to one now. The tank was heavily planted and had lots of pots and rocks in it (piles of...
  12. P

    Stupid Floating Wood.

    Its probably rootwood and not bogwood. Ive got the same problem in one of my tanks. I jammed the thing down using other pieces of wood wedging it into the corner of the tank.
  13. P

    Advice Needed

    Third time in as many threads linking to this utility.. You can check whether your water is ok there. Also, mg/l is exactly the same as parts per million ;) *edit* your water isnt too bad really, I dont think it will have been bad enough to...
  14. P

    Moving House

    It indeed couldnt hurt to ask your LFS for leftover packaging boxes. Those things are great, but you should still bag the fish like @ombomb said. Ive tried this and had success before... it could work for you because your tanks are similar n size (I had two 60cm tanks). They were both well...
  15. P

    Nitrite Spike

    To stop a spike or mini-cycle you need to do exactly what you said in the subtitle - waterchange and no feeding to let the water balance out. You cant stop it dead in its tracks and frankly I dont think you should. Your readings dont even seem bad at all really either...
  16. P

    Seems Overcrowded...

    Wow... there are few things more irritating than people treating fish like theyre decorative ornaments that you can squeeze together as tight as possible because they look nice. Theyre alive just like everyone else and should be respected as such. I really wish people would research what their...
  17. P

    Tank Stocking A handy little caluclator to see how many fish you could keep ;)
  18. P

    Snail Infestation!

    DONT get puffers to clear a snail infestation. Yes, your snails will all be gone probably in a matter of hours, but then so will your other fish. Even "non aggressive" species of puffer like South American puffers are aggressive and will at least fin nip to the point of serious harm to other...
  19. P

    Marbles In Fry Tank

    Aye - marbles are for keeping the parents away from their eggs after laying. Typically breeding Zebra Danios is done in a tank with a marble substrate. Ideally, once the eggs are hatched the fry are carefully syphoned / turkey basted out of the breeding / hatching tank and put into a grow-out...
  20. P

    Internal Or External Filter

    External filters tend to be more powerful and efficient because they are bigger. They contain more filtration media and so are better at removing polutants. Internal filters are cheaper and smaller, and while they require more frequent cleaning the cost effeciency of them is drastic. You can...
  21. P

    Making A Website

    If you want me to hook you up with some hosting, webspace etc just mail me. Ive got a few hosting packages with room for some extra in them that you are more than welcome to take advantage of :D I can install whatever you want in there and get you all set up ;) Just give me a shout :D
  22. P

    Making A Website

    Good content management systems: Mambo Open Source (recently renamed) is good for "page management" and for "pure content", things like accurate information in manuals, instructions, walkthroughs etc. PHP Nuke - huge community and very poor security, but its a great web portal. It allows users...
  23. P

    How Many Dwarf Puffers

    Good advice for dwarf puffers is that you should only ever keep up to about three in one tank. In my experience they are an incredibly aggressive species of puffer and will not tolerate eachothers company as soon as maturity hits. Your tank is lovely and would suit a larger species of puffer...
  24. P

    Top dwellers

    Zebra Danios! Get a group of at least five provided your tank is big enough and has the room to spare. My experience of danios is that if they can then they will jump. We often hear splashes in the night of failed bids for freedom from our Danio tank. You could also get leopard danios, or the...
  25. P

    Feeding Bumblebee Goby

    I guess it just goes to show... You should take everything written with a pinch of salt. ... If that awful joke gets me banned from this forum, then I understand ;)
  26. P

    Feeding Bumblebee Goby

    That fish has spots on it, and I would say that it is the Golden Banded Goby. Ive got one that looks strikingly similar in every respect, including the larger than average pectoral fins with many rays. I say this because I have bough both available species of Bumblebee Goby from the same stock...
  27. P

    Feeding Bumblebee Goby

    Congratulations on your success! There are few things funner than a tiny Bumblebee Goby attacking a bloodowrm :D Those things will stick out of their mouths for ages until they can fit them in properly ;D Nice work.
  28. P

    Just out of curiosity, is this a good price?

    Small fish prices tend to be negotiable if bought in groups too. Offer the guy a fiver for 5 and chances are youll get your discount. Also, this thread is probably of interest to you... Feeding Bumblebee Gobies... but I could be wrong ;)
  29. P

    Feeding Bumblebee Goby

    I would recommend that yeah. In my experience so far Gobies can be kept in brackish water happily with a Figure 8 puffer... this is however something of a "specialist fish" and considered (and is actually) quite difficult to keep when compared to the typical tropical assortment (Danios, Tetras...
  30. P

    Feeding Bumblebee Goby

    Im glad it was of use! Good to know youve got the tolerant fish too ;)
  31. P

    Feeding Bumblebee Goby

    In an effort to clear up the which-one-will-survive-fresh-water issues with Bumblebee Gobies, and other things, I wrote this article recently: Ten Things To Know About Bumblebee Gobies Quick Summary Whole black stripes with no breaks or spots = freshwater tolerant Black stripes with breaks or...
  32. P

    Great dwarf puffer

    Our recently acquired figure eight puffer decided it would half-puff the other day in an effort for attention... silly fishy. Ive heard that Martha has done that once or twice too.
  33. P

    Great dwarf puffer

    Its horrible when the Dwarf Puffers parade the front of the tank for attention on a no-feeding day. Always a guilt trip that is. Little buggers, they certainly learn quickly how to get food. Put on your hunting colours and show yourself off!
  34. P

    Help - New BGK & Elephant Nose

    I know ive linked this site like three times already today (my first day too :P) but its pretty helpful: Tank Tools These tools are available with no useage restriction for anyone with a website! Theyre also really useful and I wish more aquarists websites had a feature like this... such a...
  35. P

    A decoration from an established tank

    The spare filters advice is some of the best I have heard and the best I can give. Get a small filter extra for every tank. Your water will be clearer and if you ever need to do an emergency water change or cycle youve got it practically done for you! A full cycle can be achieved in under a week...
  36. P

    Not sure about pure ammonia cycling

    Chemical treatments for water are typically designed to reduce polutants and increase the ability of fresh water to encourage the growth of beneficial bacteria when youre doing a water change. A water conditioner by itself is not going to be enough to cycle a tank... theres simply no bacteria in...
  37. P

    Nitrite level -- should I panic?

    Its a sticky situation youre in there for sure. The gravel will probably be an irritation to remove... but theres on thing you can do in the future once the tank has settled down again: Remove by the cupful gravel from the tank and, when its down to a layer thats about 2cm (an inch) deep, cover...
  38. P

    Most of my fish are now dead!!!HELP!!!!

    Id go with that diagnosis too. Any good anti-parasitic treatment will do the job for you there, but try to get something specific for this condition, and quickly too by the sounds of it. The water change will have helped reduce the number of parasites in the water, but I wouldnt recommend doing...
  39. P

    algea problem,help!

    For algae problems there are three solutions First Solution Scrape it off manually, scoop it out with a net or sieve and try to keep on top of it. Practicality rating: fairly impractical. Efficiency rating: not very efficient Fish Health rating: healthy! Second Solution Use a chemical water...
  40. P

    High Nirates

    Even with a gravel vacuum, gravel is still the biggest source of nitrate pollution in the water because no matter how well you clean it, it will always still retain... well... crap. Een if you took all the gravel out and rinsed it with high pressure water, it would still... contain crap. You...