Tank Stocking


Fish Addict
Aug 21, 2005
Reaction score
Sat in front of the tanks
Does anybody think my tank is overstocked?

I have a 4ft x 2ft (almost 48 UK gallons)tank with a fluval 4 and a fluval 2 filter(s) which i 25% water change every week Nitrite is 0,P.H 6.8,Nitrate is 10 PPM
Currently i have
2 Albino Corys
4 Bronze Corys
15 Zebra Danios
19 Neon Tetras
9 Black Neon Tetras
5 Blue King Tetras
5 Lemon Tetras
5 Pristella Tetras
3 Red Eyed Tetras
7 Silver Tipped Tetras
5 Rummy Nose Tetras
11 Glowlight tetras
9 Albino Glowlight Tetras
4 White Cloud Minnows
3 Lyre Tail Guppys
4 Harlequins
I make that around 150-200 inch of full grown fish, which puts you way over your limit.
Yes it is extremly over stocked.

Short and sweet :lol:

I have to agree- I would have thought there would be little room for each species of fish to live out their lives and have full freedom of movement.
Yeah my 55g looks alittle crowded when the fish are all together (which is almost all the time) and I can't even imagine what your tank looks like.
Hi. Ya, your tank is way overstocked. Even if the fish were only to grow to 1" you are still overstocked. Maybe you should look into getting another tank?

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