Stupid Floating Wood.


Fish Addict
Dec 18, 2005
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Why wont my wood stay sunk? I have a big piece of mopani and that is great, stays right where I put it, with a big plec under it, but my bog wood won't stay down, not even a bit.

I have had to build a pile of interlocking sticks and put a stone on top to hold it there (don't worry, the stone is secure) but I need some help making it stay sunk.

It was presoaked when I got it, since then it's been soaked some more, boiled, and in the tank 5 days and it's still as buoyant as polystyrene. Any ideas?
tie some small pepples 'underneath' the wood with fishing line?... weird tho'... bogwood should sink as it's so dense...
Hi I had the same problem with one of my pieces of bogwood,I boiled it soaked it,and it still floated.In the end I got some of my Husband's fishing line and tied it to a piece of slate.I left it for about six weeks,then cut the line and it stayed down. :D
Silicone it to a thick piece of slate that can be burried in the substrate.
Its probably rootwood and not bogwood. Ive got the same problem in one of my tanks. I jammed the thing down using other pieces of wood wedging it into the corner of the tank.
I had a similar issue so I ensured some of it was beneath the substrate and placed some small rocks on this part of was to be below the substrate. That did the trick and to the naked eye, none of the weighing-down rocks could be seen (underneath the substrate).

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