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  1. C

    What Can I Put In A Tank With No Filter / Heater

    Think about it.... color, as much of them as you want, never have to feed, and just add water every so often. The perfect fish....
  2. C

    Odd New Tank Question

    ANy input that tank is so overstocked its liek its going to explode. You should really return the balas, and some of the other fish. And wiat for it to cycle! Alos find out what the what the cat fish and the algue eater are because they are many commonly sold that get huge.
  3. C

    First Planted Tank

    It is ok, there is room for improvment. Some more aquascaping and it can look very nice. Forst of all do ypu have co2? Whats your lighting? And have you considered using EI? You might have to improve the hardware, and supplements before anything.
  4. C

    Do Fish Sleep

    Or do it how my old clown loaches would do it, lay on there side and look dead, expect they were not to clear up confusion.
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    Do I Get Special Treatment @ My Lfs

    You just get a friend or a couple friends who work at a lfs, come in around when they are about to close or there is no manager, and get a free fish or two. But the best when it comes to "if it dies" policy is 14 days around here, some dont even have it.
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    Cal's High Tech Planted 20 Long

    I tested my ph and kh to find out how much co2 was in my tank. The kh tested 35.8, and a ph of 7.2, which is higher then it was, usually below 7. Well using the chart I have found that Im about 5-6 ppm, I need to be 30. So I will increase my co2 levels and test tommarow, or maybe even test again...
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    How Much Money Do You Spend On Fish?

    Its different every month for me, like last month was 300, the month before that was 200, but the month before that was 20, so...
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    Tank Size

    Really doesnt make much sense, most fish are breeded by humans anyway, not many are catched in the wild, so how would the fish know different.
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    Cal's High Tech Planted 20 Long

    I have decided to keep my jewel and see what happens. Everything is goign fine.
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    Amano's Tank

    I like how the top is open, and plants have growne through.
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    My Biology Teacher Came Through!

    Heater and filter are really all you need, cycle it and then you can stock it. You can pick up very decent item for 60 dollars. Another way to save money, print off items you want off of bigals or drfosterssmiths, and petsmart will match it. It can have no substrate.
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    Jewel In The Planted Tank

    Already ahead of you, have a large cave system cover by plants and driftwood and hardy noticable. Think I might just keep my jewel.
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    Stocking Suggestions

    :/ Anybody...please.... :(
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    Stocking Suggestions

    I have currently 1 jewel, 3 otos, and a black neon tetra. (tank info in signature) The tetra I thought I gave to a friend appeared a couple days ago in great condition, and is 3 years old. I want to keep the jewel but have learned he isnt plant safe, so I am trying to make a decsion weither to...
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    Jewel In The Planted Tank

    What about 4, 1 M 3 F, yellow labs? -_-
  16. C

    What's Wrong With Old Tanks?

    A 30 gallon, atleast around here, can be picked up for around 30 bucks new.
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    Cal's High Tech Planted 20 Long

    I asked and it was said by freddy that it wont work. So Im a little worried about what I should do.Without the jewel I have a tank with 3 otos in it, and to my surprise a black tetra, in excellent condition, that I dont know how survived or where it came from, I thought I gave it to my friend...
  18. C

    Jewel In The Planted Tank

    :o Well thats a pretty bad thing, my tank is planted and a lot of money has been put forth for plants and plant needs. Is there really anything besides kribs, and is an african cichlid that can be put in a planted tank?
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    Jewel In The Planted Tank

    What are the right type of plants? And instead of making another topic how fast does a jewel grow?
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    Happy New Year

    Happy New Year. Thanks George and all that have helped me so far, and hopefully will continue to help me.
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    Getting New Fish - Will It Be Overstocked?

    What size is the tank?
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    Jewel In The Planted Tank

    I came to thinking is my jewel going to wreck my planted tank? He is 2.5 inches, and he hasnt done any harm as of yet.
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    Cal's High Tech Planted 20 Long

    Thanks for resizing them for me. I will tell you the co2 reading tommarow its to late and Im tired. As for the micro swords I didnt know that, Ill get on it before I get to bed. Also I started EI today, well everything besides flourish iron and flourish, but should I do this once a week...
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    Cal's High Tech Planted 20 Long

    Here are some pics, its my first time putting pics up here, tell me what you think. And to answer your question I have running 1 wpg till a couple days ago.
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    Do I Look Like Eminem ?

    Eminem is all right, he has a couple good songs but why is he your idol? Do you want to be just like him?
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    Random Fish Pictures I Drew

    Nice drawings, I enjoy drawing to, but only do during class.
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    Cal's High Tech Planted 20 Long

    UPDATE My order came in and I installed the Carbo Plus, and tommarow I will start using nitrogen, pottasium, and phopuhus. Pictures will be added soon, after I figure out how to transfer from my computer to this one. As for the plant status, I lost a wisteria but for the most part everything is...
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    Jewel Cichlid Breeding Project Diary

    I like it, they are nice fish. Had the same feelings when I had my cons, and took them back.
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    Are These Fish Compatible?

    I would say no on the black tetras, why take the chance of the angels eating them.
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    Are These Fish Compatible?

    lol not congos, wish people would know something about a fish before replying, they grow to be 3 inches..and yes they are compatible.
  31. C

    Fish Suggestions

    Are you crazy? Africans are anything but peaceful. They are agressive, and none can fit in that size tank, expect a yellow lab spexies tank, but Im not sure about this.
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    Low Light Plants

    Amazon Swords can grow to be monsters, very tall.
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    They would grow faster, yes, thus using more nbutrients, so then you will need nutrients, creating more of a money problem. I would find something around 2 watts per gallon. How about the coralife aqualight 1x65? Its on drfostersmiths, check it out.
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    Full Growen Jewel

    I am joking, why would I be so sure I cna use them? Thanks for the replys, now I just have to wait for the fry.
  35. C

    Oh Dear

    I would go planted on one of your tanks, brings on a new type of challenge, and makes the tank look better.
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    Fish Game #41

    is it a catfish?
  37. C

    What Fish Would You Most Want To Breed?

    I would like to breed clown loaches, but its basically impossible, so its just a dream.
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    Full Growen Jewel

    My friend is going to breed convicts, one of the hardest fish to breed, almost impossible, what when the jewel gets big enough can I feed it convict fry? If so how big?
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    Cal's High Tech Planted 20 Long

    Finally got a 6700k for the aqualight, cant wait to put it on, have been waiting, most likly before christmas, then comes pics.
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    How Do Treat New Drift Wood?

    I just put mine in my tank too, worked out fine.