Fish Suggestions


Fish Fanatic
Oct 5, 2003
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Fredericton, NB, Canada
I've had a 19 US Gallon tank for a few years now - it was out of commission for about a year now as I have been on the move. I've finally settled and am turning it back on. I've decided I don't want to have a school like before, with my tetras, rasboras, danios and whatnot. I am hoping to get a couple larger fish that would be somewhat easy to take care of as I have the basics of fish-keeping down. I know my tank is just big enough to fit a couple angelfish, but I'm looking for any other options.

If you have any suggestions, that would be splendid.
Are you crazy? Africans are anything but peaceful. They are agressive, and none can fit in that size tank, expect a yellow lab spexies tank, but Im not sure about this.
I don't know anything about africans so someone else will have to tell you if labs and corys will work. I guess my best advice would be to get a 55. Not too expensive to buy - not too big. Easy to do a DIY stand for. And, a lot more options when it coes to stocking.

Although it's bit small for Pearl Gourami, I think it will be ok for a single pearl, and four Corys.
How about dwarf gourami? Or paradise fish? They're pretty colours, fine with schooling fish, have cory at the bottom.
Or else blue rams perhaps?
You might find it easiest to test your water first - hard or soft, acid or alkaline - and think about what kind of tank you want - bright colours, planted, or whatever. This will point you in a direction.

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