What Fish Would You Most Want To Breed?


Fish Addict
Apr 14, 2004
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Has there ever been a fish that you have wanted to breed, but for one reason or another you haven't been able to?

I have failed to breed barbs in my years trying, and have basically given up now. Eggs were layed but in such a small tank they were eaten quickly. :(
I always loved to breed Bettas or Chichilds, but chichilds a little more since its not as complicated as bettas in my opinion. Chichilds have an odd way of keeping the eggs other than the weird bubble nest, but I still love bettas. The reason I can't breed chichilds is because I dont have chichilds or have the tank to house chichilds.

-Arrowhead :ninja:
Maybe something interesting like channa blerhi (rainbow snakehead). To breed your barbs you will need to setup a seperate tank and but just the parents in removing them once they have layed.
Red tailed black sharks or any of the cyprinid algae eaters (SAE, false SAE, flying fox, oblongus) - kind of funny coming from a gourami fanatic but I've managed to breed all the gouramies I've got my hands on - it's those damn sharks that evade me (and everyone else :p). If I ever get them, I want to breed some badis as well and I want to also try torpedo barbs some day.
would be nice to breed rays or asian arowana's, tank sizes needed to do this the the time and money that would need to be commited is limiting in itself let alone getting compatible males and females.
I'm hoping that i can breed some rays sometime in the next year or so and if i can find some male specimins i want to try and breed my Ageneiosus catfishes but what i'd really like to do is crack how to spawn catfish from the Pimelodidae family.
Definitely enjoy breeding oscars though its a rarity to get them to breed, and once you've done it you want to take a break because you have a TON of baby oscars that need a home haha! :nod:
I love to breed my threadfin rainbows they're one of my favorite fish. I currently have a couple of both male and female threadfins, but I just don't have a setup that would work for spawning them. Sigh. Maybe someday.
Bettas, Cichlids...something eye catching and atractive.
I'm hoping to be able to breed bettas at some point in the future. At the moment i have only been keeping bettas for a little while so I need more experience but when I feel I am ready (and have the resources) I think it will be great.
I would like to breed Melanochromis johannii, but there is not a single lfs in all of illinois with female johanniis, I've asked around, the supposed reason for this is because "there is no demand for female johanniis" but I'm pretty sure the real reason is that johanniis are beautiful fish and they want to keep people paying 5-10 dollars for a johannii, rather than being able to breed them for themselves, I've never been able to find a male auratus either
Some of the rarer Wild Bettas. It's always been a dream of mine, I just need the time and space now. :X

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