Getting New Fish - Will It Be Overstocked?


Fish Crazy
Dec 25, 2005
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I have 2 black skirt tetras, 4 lemon tetras, and 1 guppy. I am planning to get 4 more black skirt tetras (so my fish have company) 2 more lemon tetras (so they have company) 3 more guppies (so they have company) 4 cory catfish and 7-8 neon tetras (since they grow smaller than cardinals and size seems to be an issue right now)
Do you think it will be overstocked?
If so what fish shud i drop?
I dont really want to return any fish
Would help to know the size of the aquarium first. :) For a 30g, it's pushing it, for a 40g or over, it should be okay.
O lol forgot to mention the most important part
I have a 30 US gallon tank
30 would be pushing it. Why not just have a small school of neons [like 4-5] two catfish, and 4-5 black skirts? That will make them all feel a little more comfortable and you can get the final number of fish in there like a month faster [if you add like 2 a week, that should be a nice gradual increase of the bioload.]
Sounds good to me :nod:
And i will be getting another tank, probaly a 10 gallon and a 70 gallon (dont know which will come first.) This will make everything much easier anyways.
K thx every1 :)

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