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  1. G

    New Addition

    50p for that fish! Thats so cheap! He's beautiful, What a Bargain!
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    Ready, Eggy...go?

    Woke up this morning and still no bubblenest. This is over the 3rd day of the two being in the tank. Shall I call it a day and try again in a few weeks?
  3. G

    Ready, Eggy...go?

    One more thing, This might sound silly but, does the type of cup affect the appearance of a bubblenest? I'm using a clear plastic one as I had over 100 of them, would polystyrene be better?
  4. G

    Ready, Eggy...go?

    Ok, I did re-jar her so I'll let her out again. Thanks for all your help, I appreciate it!
  5. G

    Ready, Eggy...go?

    Just let her out, lots of flaring. Little bit of chasing. Still waiting on the bubblenest. I'll put her back in the bottle after the hour is up. I did put the male into the spawning tank with the female already settled in the bottle/jar. Should I take her out, and leave him in there to settle...
  6. G


    You could try listing a few on Ebay or try some more local pet stores. Some Betta traps have about four compartments, Ideally if you can't house them get rid of them as quickly as possible. Hope you find them good homes.
  7. G

    Baby Fighter!

    Just out of interest, what food did you feed them with? Sorry for the loss of your fry, the one thats left shows promise though!
  8. G

    Ready, Eggy...go?

    Currently attempting to spawn my bettas. They're both in the spawning tank, She's in a bottle, he has free roam. The female is showing all the signs of a female thats ready, She's eggy, swmming head down when the male comes over, she has bars and her colour has become so vibrant. They have both...
  9. G

    Is my beta safe to keep with my fish?!

    There are some specific fish Betta's can be kept with, but either out of confusion or just to make it simpler the general rule is no other fish. As for the OP's question. I seriously wouldn't put the Betta in with the platys. Sunset Platys are very brightly coloured and have fairly long fins...
  10. G

    Attempting To Spawn...

    Colour has come back, though not as vibrant as it was but I'll give it time, stripes still visable. Must have frightened her.
  11. G

    Attempting To Spawn...

    Ok so, introduced them today. Before I did, the female's colour was bright and she had no stripes. The male had perked up alot since last week so I decided it might be time to introduce them. Put her in the jar (coke bottle with lid and bottom cut off) in the tank and put him in. Immediatly she...
  12. G

    Something Pet Shops Should Do That Could Help Save More Bettas

    Perhaps if you got a job there you might be able to show and teach them basic care while the fish remain in the care of the store. :good:
  13. G

    I'm Really Sad - Baby Is Ill -update He's Gone :(

    Im so sorry to hear your news, especially when the treatment seemed so promising. He was so beautiful :-(
  14. G

    What's Wrong?

    Really he should only be given 2-4 bloodworms a week otherwise he will get constipated from them. Feed him the flakes (tiny pinch) and/or pellets (2-3) but cut down on the portions or soak the pellets in a bit of water before giving them to him. You could try feeding him a pea once a week and...
  15. G

    I'm Really Sad - Baby Is Ill -update He's Gone :(

    Keep up with what your doing. I hope he gets well soon. Keep us updated. :good:
  16. G

    Neons? To Keep Or To Go?

    Harlequin Rasboras, Beautiful hardy fish that make a peaceful community addition.
  17. G

    Another New Tank Coming!

    Hehe! Still, the plant could be put right at the back behind some others and can offer a little bit of extra cover. The shell, well, perhaps you have some spare shelf space :lol:
  18. G

    Stupid Bettas

    The only thing really is, if you take the divider out and your in the middle of cleaning it and they decide to have a go at each other, How do you immediatly physically seperate them.
  19. G

    Another New Tank Coming!

    I have a similar tank that I bought for £39.95 in my LFS so that is a Bargain! :good:
  20. G

    Stupid Bettas

    When you mean, the only time they are together, do you mean, when you take the divider out to clean it they have the entire tank space between them and can get to each other?
  21. G

    She Doesn't Like Bloodworms!?!?

    I've been trying for a week now to feed my female betta Bloodworms. I've tried Frozen, I've dried Freeze Dried soaked in water to soften them, and I really don't know what else to try. She will sometimes attempt to eat them but then spit them out afterwards and swim off. How can I condition her...
  22. G

    New Aquarium Pics

    What a lovely new home for him :good:
  23. G

    10gal Tank For 2 Bettas....

    About 40-45
  24. G

    What Are The Signs For A Female Ready To Breed?

    If anyone has any pictures of a female in breeding condition, or knows of somewhere with a detailed description then I would be really greatful. I know the basics I just want as much information as possible (for reassurance!)
  25. G

    Baby Fighter!

    I think the reason the fry you recently found is bigger, is due to him not being around in water with a growth hormone given off by other fry to stunt growth. He also hasn't had to compete for food as much. Congrats on the find!
  26. G

    Strange Betta

    I really like that bubble decoration, I could really visualise a nice looking tank with that in.
  27. G

    How Many Bettas Does The Entire Forum Have?

    Just two at the moment, no doubt there will be more in the future!
  28. G

    Mosquito Lavae V Bloodworm

    My male will happily eat Bloodworms till he's bursting. My Female won't even nibble at them. The majority of Bettas seem to enjoy them though. Not sure on the nutritional stuff, but they offer alot of protein.
  29. G

    Hehe! He Loves Peas!

    Just added a pea to the tank, didn't take much notice till the other fish started pecking at it. He's guarding it now, hovering just above it and flaring at them when they come near! He hasn't actually eaten any yet :hyper: but from previous feedings of peas, they are now one of his favourite...
  30. G

    Betta Back From Dead

    I have two 'Fish R' Fun' tanks and I like the 'filter in the hood' idea because it gives you a bit more tank space. I'm baffled as to how she could have possible got into it when it has a grill over the see-through inlet pipe.
  31. G

    Absolutely B****y Disgusting...

    Exactly my point.
  32. G

    Absolutely B****y Disgusting...

    Read it. It was a joke.
  33. G

    Absolutely B****y Disgusting...

    And you can say your part of this hobby? Dev has a point. What else can they do? Well, for a start, they could take the 3 males apart...It's basic care
  34. G

    Absolutely B****y Disgusting...

    As hard as it is, You did the right thing. If you would have paid for them and left then they would have restocked them. I appreciate you dont have the tank space, but if that was me, and I was in such a state that I felt strongly about it I would have asked to buy them and when paying for them...
  35. G

    New Plant For My Betta's Tank

    Well the light in my biggest tank is a middle brightness in the center of the tank lid, I did have a slight problem with the lower half of the Elodia stems starting to turn brown, but I think that was down to the fact they grew long and spread out over the water surface limiting the amount of...
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    And One More For The Collection

    I love the highlighting on the fins :wub:
  37. G

    New Plant For My Betta's Tank

    Elodia looks nice in bunches and creates a heavy forested area. Cabomba is a similar plant but with finer and thinner leaves. I have however found that Cabomba falls appart to easily. You could also try grasses, but try to get broader leafed grasses simply because thinner leafed grass falls...
  38. G

    How To Calm A Stressed Betta.

    I was planning to breed her a few weeks in the future if possible. If she is one of these females that constantly shows stripes, would I be able to go ahead with breeding her still? I've moved her into a 6 Gal. Its got more plant cover and for a few hours last night, she seemed to calm down and...
  39. G

    Is There Anyway To Stop Reflection On Glass?

    Yup, thats exactly right.
  40. G

    Is There Anyway To Stop Reflection On Glass?

    I've tried placing cardboard next to the glass, I've also tried turning a lamp on because the natural light seems to cause more reflection. Is there anything else I can try, or that you have tried that works?