And One More For The Collection

Ouch!!!! bet that hurts his wallet :crazy:
For the benefit of those of you who missed our wedding it is again :rofl: :rofl:
Not had anything through Newfishy.

Yes I have lol
This is the girl we're hoping to use with him. She's one from our recent dragon x spawn. Obviously looks much better when she's not got a strop on and her fins are open!!!

What a handsome, handsome dude - they will make BEAUTIFUL babies together, I bet.

WOW - that wedding picture looks a lot like mine! LOL!!!!
Thanks :good: arriving Friday with a red dragon female :D
Wow, they are both so beautiful... that's an absolutely top class pair, you just can't get HMPK in Australia... I would KILL for them, how do you keep picking up stuff like that on fleabay?
There's some brilliant HMPK On ebay most from the same seller there's a black 1 on atm and i have a male red dragon due today. I'll get a pic when i get chance
Oh what a stunner! I'll be over in a week or so to check out the new guys and girls, how exciting! And if you need to make space for them... :lol: ;)

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