I'm Really Sad - Baby Is Ill -update He's Gone :(


Fish Herder
Jan 13, 2008
Reaction score
Manchester, England
Yesterday, Baby got fin rot. it just appeared from nowhere - I look at each betta each night for a few minutes to check they are OK. It turned the ends of his beautiful long tail black and ragged. I was horrified and straight away dosed him up with meds to help him.
Then tonight, i went to check on him and he has now got really bad white spot. He certainly didn't have it this afternoon when i checked on him! He is COVERED and has gone all pale, and is hanging at the surface.
I've set up the quarantine tank for him and have decided to dose him for the white spot first, as the clean water in the quarantine will help with the fin rot anyway. I am planning to do large water changes every day, adding a little more med each time to replace what is lost.
But I've just been looking at him, and he is kinda on his side at the top of the tank, gasping away. I think I'm gonna lose him. I have never seen fin rot or white spot come on so fast and so bad :S I feel like I've been run over by a train. There is nothing else I can think of to help him but I feel so bloody useless right now. I really don't think he will last the night. My most beautiful and oldest betta.... I am not ready to lose him yet. Please all keep your fingers crossed for him, he needs all the luck he can get.
Keep up with what your doing. I hope he gets well soon. Keep us updated. :good:
First of all, I am so sorry to hear of your baby's troubles!!!

Thought everybody might like to know something I learned a few years ago - Ich can NOT live in water that is 80 degrees (F) or higher!!! That is why ALL the tanks in my house - including my chichlid tanks - are running at 80 - 82 degrees. I have not had a case of ich in AGES!!!

Here is a natural cure for ich:

1st day
Raise temp to at least 80 degrees
add 1 teaspoon salt for every three gallons

2nd day
add 1 teapoon salt for every three gallons
Raise temp to 82dF

3rd day repeat every third gallon dosage for a total of 1 teaspoon per gallon- raise temp to 84 dF

4th day through 14th day - do nothing, but wait

14 day - start to reduce temp back down to 78 dF over the course of 24 hours
15th day start reducing salinity by normal partial water changes and maintenence

Ich should be gone forever ( until you add new fish) because you have interupted the Life cycle permanantly

Personally, I would try this before chemicals.

Hope that helps and best of luck!
Thanks Lion Mom! My tanks are ususally run at about 80 for this very reason, but recently my betta tanks had gone up to 84 degrees - not sure why, can only think it is because the weather is warming up - so i tunred the heaters down a little to reduce the temp. They are all at around 78-79 now but I will certainly turn them up again.
Baby is in quarantine now, at 82 degrees, with white spot meds. He's hanging in there, but only just. If he is still alive when I get home from work i think he may make it... but I am trying to prepare myself for the worst because he really is in a sorry state. Fingers crossed. One upshot to all this - I can take the divider out of his tank tonight and give it a good clean, something I have been putting off for a while now because I didn't want to have to catch one of the bettas and stress them out. The divider is a lovely shade of green :p
You are more than welcome, Tibby! I just hope and pray your Baby pulls through.

A bit of information I forgot to post before - IME, pickling/canning salt works just as well as aquarium salt and is a HECK of a lot less expensive!!!
Got home and he's gone. Poor Baby. I bawled my eyes out. It was just so sudden and so fast. My most beautiful betta, gone :(



RIP my little darling
So sorry Tibby....you're having a real bad run of luck recently.

Big hugs xx

:rip: Baby
tell me about it :S At least with Darth, I was ready for it... this has just come as such a shock. i am not buying a replacement for a while, it's too upsetting. Stylo has not got the run of the 40l tank, I removed the divider to give it a good clean. He is a bit freaked by all the space I think!
Got home and he's gone. Poor Baby. I bawled my eyes out. It was just so sudden and so fast. My most beautiful betta, gone :(



RIP my little darling

Im so sorry to hear your news, especially when the treatment seemed so promising. He was so beautiful :-(
Thank you. i know I am biased but I have never seen a more beutiful mustard gas, even from breeders. I was so proud of him.. and he had just started to flare at himself, for the first time in almost a year! i got him last summer and he has always been really laid back :)

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