Attempting To Spawn...


Fish Fanatic
Jan 10, 2009
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Ok so, introduced them today. Before I did, the female's colour was bright and she had no stripes. The male had perked up alot since last week so I decided it might be time to introduce them.

Put her in the jar (coke bottle with lid and bottom cut off) in the tank and put him in. Immediatly she started showing her Bars! :hyper: and she went mad trying to get to him (had to put something over the top of the bottle 'cos she attempted a jump!). She flared at him and he flared back and this went on for about 10 mins. She then tried swimming on her side trying to get under the bottom of the bottle, I panicked because it tipped up and put a moss ball in the bottom to stop it from moving as much and I didn't want her to get out yet. When I did that she lost her colour a few minutes later and stripes appeared.

He seems keen, but now she doesn't and still has lost her colour 20 minutes later. Should I take the moss ball out? I dont want to risk her getting out. Or shall I just leave them. He's been swimming around and casually exploring flaring occasionaly as he goes past. I'm expecting a nest in the next a few hours right or is that only if he sees her bars?

I've got one of those Betta Trap things that can accomodate multiple bettas, with removable section dividers. Shall I use that and let her have the run of it instead of the bottle?

Colour has come back, though not as vibrant as it was but I'll give it time, stripes still visable. Must have frightened her.
the female needs to be in her chimney or bottle for 2 days before you let her out. having been fed blood worm and other nutritious food for two weeks,your spawning tank should be EMPTY apart from a plant and perhaps an indian almond leaf. The spawning tank must be large approx 3ft - if you have all those things in place then put her in the chimney keep feeding both blood worm for about 3 days then let her out again

If not I strongly suggest you set up the tank accordingly and then try again after 2 weeks - have a look at the betta paradise link on my siggie in the breeding section. there is loads of info there.

Any other help needed feel free to PM me
i do keep live plants in my spawn tanks, for the female to hid in is she is being accacked too aggresivly by the male, and as a added bonus tanks iwth live plants almost always have tiny tiny little buggies, infusioum? i know im not spelling it right, but the infusioum are realy tiny and baby bettas love to eat them, even the tinest baby betta can chomp down, ,, sometimes bbs is too big for them to get, microworms are a better first food, and ground up betta starter, it comes ground but grinsd it some more, is ok to use though most babys prefer live food, somthing about chasing it to eat it makes them eat more ,, dunno why then introuduce bbs at 1 to 2 weeks, orrrrr start off with the bbs, only the biggest fry will be able to eat them and youll naturaly only have the biggest strongest fry survive, im not realy one for culling but its a way to have a more convient atm of fry,,, instread of 500 on a first time.....

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