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  1. S

    Help With Guppys

    Perhaps the males have being fighting each other? This is how my mollies died i had the same ratio as yours which i was told would be OK. I now only keep one male in the tank
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    All Frozen Food Ok?

    In my opinion you should definately introduce more flakes and vegetable based products into their diet. Too much meat can make waste difficult to pass (pooping) and may lead to blockages. I feed my fish about 80% flakes and 20% bloodworm. I am aware that Emerald Entree is a mix of both but there...
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    Help Please!

    I dont really know the effects of these tablets, however i wouldnt advise changing the filter and a full water change at the same time. This is like throwing your fish into an uncycled tank and could shock them to their death. Is the tank new? You shouldn't have added fish before the cycle...
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    Empty 7 Gallon

    What about some dwarf puffers for a bit of a change?
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    One And Twenty

    Honestly! People are so over sensitive in this forum, why be tactful about streaks! :crazy: . They are just streaks if it hurts someones feelings to say their tank is streaky then they are mad.
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    Anyone Know Any Good Breeds Of Birds?

    Jessica13 - Don't make assumptions about people you havent met, of course i would not suggest that all domestic animals should be killed for their own good, they should not have benn domesticated in the first place.
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    Could I Have 3 Dwarf Puffers And An Otto In A 15ukgal?

    Not sure about the otto, DP like to be with their own kind. 15gal fine for 3 though. type in dwarf puffer on google, the first site that comes up is quite useful for info on tank size and feeding etc
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    Anyone Know Any Good Breeds Of Birds?

    Fish are not denied their right to swim, birds are.
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    Anyone Know Any Good Breeds Of Birds?

    Can we really compare birds to fish though? It suppose it depends where your boundries lie. For example i dont think its ok to keep dogs, they are meant to roam free. However cats are ok, they can go where they want anyway. Fish are weird pets they are half way between ornaments and pets :crazy:
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    Lifespan of mollies

    Balloon mollies have shorter life spans 2-4 years sadly
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    Anyone Know Any Good Breeds Of Birds?

    IMO i dont think anyone should keep birds, they are meant to fly not to be kept in cages.
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    One And Twenty

    Clean the front of your tank man! Streaky! P.s please dont put anything in that tiny container :(
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    Logs In A Tank?

    didn't u soak the wood before putting it in? I soaked mine for a week in a bucket changing the water twice a day and the colour only took a week to go, but if you already have it in your tank its gunna take a lot longer.
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    Swimming Vertically

    One of my mollies does this from time to time also, but it usually only last for a few hours and then back to normal.
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    Do Fish Bleed?, I Doesnt Look Good

    Well its been four days and he is still alive and looks as happy as always, the problem doesnt seem to be bothering him at all Just wondered if the inflammation could be anything to do with mating. He has been having an awful lot of sex recently. :wub:
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    Do Fish Bleed?, I Doesnt Look Good

    HELP! My orange male balloon mollie has something wrong with it The fin along its back where it attaches to its body has gone red like it is bleeding. What is this? It looks really sore. Is there anything i can do.
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    Albino Corys

    how do u know its not normal, hard to pass comment without a picture, have u got one? I have 3 albino corys, can u describe your problem better?
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    Gravel Cleaning

    Can you clean sand with a gravel vac or will it just suck the sand out? I am thinking of changing to sand cos i have 3 corys and 2 kuhle loaches, i think they may prefer sand. But i am worried about cleaning
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    Newbie Needing A Little Help!

    Well i will clean my condensation tray and see if it makes a difference. Although i did think the brown algea was due to over exposure to light since my tank is in direct sunlight for most of the day. :/ . I have no green algea and never had.
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    Newbie Needing A Little Help!

    The nasty brown gravel sounds like you might have brown algea. I have this in my tank also at the minute but only at the front of the tank. Don't put live plants in yet until you've got it sorted cos it will turn your plants brown too. I have been scraping it off the glass with a credit card...
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    Dwarf Puffers

    some say 1 to every 5 gal, some say 1 to every 3 gal so you might get two in there. Type 'dwarf puffers' in on google and there is a site think its called dwarfpuffers, theres some really good info on there.
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    Cory With Sore Side

    Burn from heater?
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    Gravid Or Internal Parasite?

    Will its still there, prob would be dead now if it was a parasite , do u think? :fun:
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    Gravid Or Internal Parasite?

    nah i cant seem to get one good enough, she dont like the camera :-(
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    Gravid Or Internal Parasite?

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    Gravid Or Internal Parasite?

    I have a white balloon mollie which has been pregnant before. At the minute it has dark patches which look like gravid spots. However she did not have these on her last pregnancy even during the last few days these were not present. Just wondered if its possible that she has an internal...
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    Does This Seem Like A Good Deal?

    It says in the listing pick up only, no delivery. U might have a problem there :/
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    Heater At An Angle

    Yep my heater came with a gaurd already attached, although i have only ever heard of heater burns if the fish get stuck behind them. -_-
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    What's Your Claim To Fame?.

    I touched timmy mallets knee. :*)
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    Heater At An Angle

    I have my heater on an angle and the cory catfish love it. they take it in turns to swim up it. LOL :P
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    Fat Or Constipated?

    holy hell what have you been feeding him! :hyper: rip up some cucumber for him to eat, i hear this gets things moving.
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    Identify My Fish Please

    I saw these at my LFS today they had them labelled 'giant copper mollies'. They where housed the freshwater section
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    Air Pump Is Red Hot!

    i thought that because the tubiing is long enough to make a drip loop the water wouldnt be able to get in?
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    Considering A Puffer

    Isn't this only if it puffs up out of the water? I think this is why you should never net a puffer and make it leave the water as if it breathes air it will die.
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    Air Pump Is Red Hot!

    Its only about 3 months old
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    Air Pump Is Red Hot!

    i dont have any valves, nothing came with it. It is the rena flow 100 i think. I just had it on again today to test it and only the unit got hot this time not the tubing but after a while it stopped blowing air, the unit was still on the cos i could feel it vibrating, wiggles the tube a bit and...
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    Is My Tank Overstocked

    you could always trick them by feeding them to lure them to the top, maybe your danios are more intelligent then mine. :S
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    Is My Tank Overstocked

    on catching danios i dont see how you cant. Everytime i put anything in the tank the danio go and investigate, if i try and scoop water out with a jug i end up getting a jug full of danios :fun:
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    Second Hand Tank.

    hmm not sure about plants first fish later, i tried this when i set my tank up and when i started adding fish all my hard work on the plants went out the window as the nitrogen cycle killed them apparently, or this is what i was told.
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    Air Pump Is Red Hot!

    do u think i need one of those reverse valve things? Maybe the water got sucked into the machine somehow :grr: