Help With Guppys


Fish Crazy
Apr 12, 2006
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Hi everyone,

I recently got 2 male guppies and 5 female guppies (Sunday), on Monday morning one of the males had died, and i noticed that 4 of the females were definately pregnant, 3 could be quiet pregnant. Got up this morning and the other male was dead. I can't understand why they have died the water stats are ok, any ideas?

And if poss, anyone have any advice about the pregnant females, i put one in a breeding trap last night as i was scared she might have the babies in the night.

Perhaps the males have being fighting each other? This is how my mollies died i had the same ratio as yours which i was told would be OK. I now only keep one male in the tank
i would leave the females in the main tank then if you see any babies put them in the breeder as it can be stressful for the mum, or if theres plenty of hiding places you could leave the fry and some would survive.
Many thanks for the replys, advice and tips, babies are appearing now already :)
i advise you put them in the breeder until they are bigger than the biggest fishes mouth or buy another tank to raise them in :good:
I am fishing them out and put them in the breeder at the moment, hopefully my larger tank will be ready for the mummys soon, then my babies can have the 12 gallon till they are bigger.
sounds good :good:

the female will probable carry on giving birth every 4-5weeks for 7 times with out a male present
Oh my i've just witnessed my first birth, i'm so suprised its the smallest guppy. I could'nt even decide if she was pregnant. Thanks for your advise lilfishie
Oh my i've just witnessed my first birth, i'm so suprised its the smallest guppy. I could'nt even decide if she was pregnant. Thanks for your advise lilfishie

i love watching my guppies give birth :good: and i feed mine on finely crushed flake :good:
It's best to feed a variety of foods to the fry. Flakes can be a staple, but you'll want to alternate in some high-protein (frozen, live, freeze-dried) and some veggies for optimum growth. Veggies can be most anything, but spinach, lettuce, cucumber, zucchini, and peas seem to be favorites. It's a good idea to blanch or boil the veggies to soften them, and peas should be shelled.

Also, you don't want to keep them in the breeder more then 1-2 weeks, otherwise you run the risk of stunting. The sooner you can get the 12 gallon up, the better. Running the 12g's filter in the main tank for a week or so should give you enough beneficial bacteria for it. Just keep an eye on the water stats.


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