Empty 7 Gallon


Fish Addict
Mar 19, 2006
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LAST ONE: Anybody got any ideas on what to stock in a 7 gallon? (apart from betta)???
:good: thanks in advance :good:
i was thinking about neons, danios, corys, cherry barbs? :look:
mmmmmmmmm.... how about:

1 cherry barb,
5 neons,
2 corys
Might be a squeeze for guppies or any common livebearer for that matter, but shrimp are a very good idea!
i was thinking along the lines of tetras and corys, dont really want a tank full of fry..so is this ok:

1 Cherry barb
5 neons
2 pygmy corys
i was thinking along the lines of tetras and corys, dont really want a tank full of fry..so is this ok:

1 Cherry barb
5 neons
2 pygmy corys

do shrimps takje up stocking levels? how about an amano shrimp as well as the list above or will it attack the corys?

right, the cheery barb is out, :

- 5 neons
- 2 pygmys
- 1 honey gourami (max 2inch, but normally only 1.5 in small tanks, plus only needs 5 galls)

so new stocking list:
- 1 honey gourami
- 5 neon tetras
- 2 pygmy corydoras

+ im getting a differnt internal filter wen i get that tank as the lfs dont sell replacements,
so which filter: EHEIM AQUABALL (the first one) or FLUVAL +1 (smallest in their range as well)
- aqua ball does have a rotating head but filter media is tiny!! (might just be modern filteration lol!) :D
anyone know if guppies can go with dwarf gouramis?

Guppies are fine with dwarf gouramis given they have the proper amount of space to be happy and healthy

and tetra-man2,
so new stocking list:

- 1 honey gourami
- 5 neon tetras
- 2 pygmy corydoras

that may be cutting it close, but if you ease them into the aquarium (dont add them all at once) then it should be fine... but that would definitely be the max for the 7 gallon without risking a catastrophe
omg,omg,omg i LOVE red cherry shrimps! cud i have them in replacement for the corys!!! they only grow 1inch!!!! i adore them..and my lfs sell them! then it wud b:

- 1 cherry barb (lilfishie says hers just chills with er neons!)
- 5 neons
- 2 red cherry shrimps!! :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: ??????
total of 9inch coz neons=5 shrimps=2 cherry barb=2 which=9

just look at em: http://www.azgardens.com/images/shrimp_cherry.jpg
Noone has mentioned yet that cories are actually schooling fish. So I think it would be a good idea to replace them with shrimps. Perhaps even 4 or so, as their bioload is very slight.
cool, iv decided to get the bigger tank now (10gallon-uk)
so heres ma list:

- 1 honey gourami
- 6 neons
- 3 pygmy corys :D

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