Swimming Vertically


Fish Addict
Dec 8, 2005
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off in my own little world
One of my mollies has taken to swimming vertically. I just caught her in and put her in a breeding trap so I can figure out what's going on. I've read up on swim bladder, and it doesn't seem like that- she just points up and tries to swim- and gets no where. What can I do?
Sounds like a swim blaader problem, what do you feed your fish, water stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph, how many gallons is the tank, plus full stock list.
fish are getting flake food, but dinner tonight was two peas. the stock list is in my signature (the 75 gallon tank) ammonia: 0ppm nitrites are currently spiking around 2 or 3ppm nitrates around 10 or 20 (can't remember) ph is 7.5 last time i checked. fish seems fine now that i've caught her in a breeding trap. her back fin is also very very short. i am wondering if that might contribute.
It could be why is it short, finrot.
I would rather use a bacterial med like myxazin.
Swim bladder can be caused due to poor water quality, can you post latest results, i would do a water change and increase aeration.

Plus you will lose fish when cycling a tank, as they go through alot.
the tank isn't cycling. ammonia is 0, nitrites are coming down from their little spike of adding fish (they are around .5 i think?) nitrates are about 15-20, ph is 7.5, temperature is 81°. there are already two bubble curtains and two air stones... there is a lot of airation in the tank.

by the way: the fish is doing much better. i fed her a half a pea, and let her out of the breeding tank the next morning... she was just fine. :)
That good news.

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