What's Your Claim To Fame?.


I was a dancer in the 2003 Wakkikirri (Aussie School Dance Competeition) but dropped out. A few weeks later they were on national TV dancing at a Brisbane Lions football match. I've also touched the Brisbane Lions' Premiership Cup.

As a little kid (like 5 or so) I went on the Book Place, a little kids' program in South Australia. I was in a story about my friends' grandparents' amusement park.

Alfie Langer is a well known footie player in Australia and his daughter went to my school in year eight.

My grandad played footie for South Australia. My dad was the 2nd best in Australia for Jujitsu.

I've met Dr Harry Cooper (Harry's Practice to those over here) and got his autograph, and he signed my book.
Mine are all a bit naff..

was at the airport wednesday and all the england rugby squad come past me to catch their flight to scotland..

My second cousin was the come dancing GB champ years ago... (should i admit that one)

i went out with the bass guitarist of "YES" daughter...

went to same school as bloke who played for chelsea few years back (not well known though)

i was on a poster at my local health club (lol.. oh dear)

ive met jamie delgado (brit tennis player)

used to drink with russ abotts son sometimes.

My mate beat tim henman when he was younger. (same age)

helped out the wimbledon tennis referee (Alan mills) at a local tournament

Told you.. bit ropey..

I got to wander around back stage at Glastonbury 98 (best ever) and met Ian Brown and Yokono and Sean Lenon and a few other people! Got a hug from Sean Lenon!

Aswell as being able to wander around back stage I got to sit where the Security guards stood and they would bring me coffee and biscuits! Never worked out why though but the guys there were great fun!
iv met bush 3 times

i have a cosin who is a limo driver and he drove brittney spears when she had a consert in houston
Relations on my hubby side x weather forecaster, and x leader of the conservative party william hague.
Friends with Leeds rugby star :p, Also friend used to date wayne rooney (wen he was training to become pro) oh yeah been in paper a few times with school and on the news once wen i was little couldnt really see me as i was at bk but i was there lol, Also used to go the gym with Jennifer Ellison and go boxing with her.


I touched timmy mallets knee.

HAHAHa he was on telly today.

I also had a small part in hollyoaks :p:p:p.
My celebrity run-ins:

1. My dog sniffed Bob Hope's crotch.

2. Johnny Depp and Richard Grieco were filming 21 Jump Street at a house across the road from us and my sister and I got their autographs.

3. My mother went to school with Anne Murray and I really liked her songs as a kid so when we went to her concert we went backstage and I got a picture with her and she gave me a rose.

4. I got a picture with Camilla Scott after she performed in Mamma Mia in Toronto (unfortunately this picture was lost in a fire in my mother's apartment)

5. I wiped the sweat off Billy Joel's brow as he sang Only the Good Die Young

6. Joey Lauren Adams was in her trailer near the back of my old apartment. I saw her inside the trailer and went up to get some movies of hers that I owned. When I came back down to try to get her autograph, she had shut the trailer door. I wasn't brave enough to knock.

7. My boyfriend and I watched a scene being filmed for a movie with Christian Slater and Richard Dreyfuss. At one point Richard Dreyfuss told us to move away from a telephone booth and promised to buy us a car if we did so. I still haven't seen that car....?

8. I had a huge crush on Matthew Ashford (Jack from Days of Our Lives) and went to a mall where he was signing autographs. I got a shirt signed and took 2 rolls of pictures of him. I though he would look into my eyes and see how we were meant for each other. Seeing as he didn't really treat me any differently from the hundreds of other girls that were there, that was the end of my crush. :lol:

9. I was skiing on top of Blackcomb Mountain and Estelle Harris (George's screechy Mom from Seinfeld) was filming a movie there. A bunch of us were asked to be extras but I declined because it didn't pay anything and I didn't want to miss any skiing.

10. My sister has met Meatloaf and Patrick Swayze (stretching it, I know)

11. My boyfriend was working out at the YMCA and saw Stephen McHattie (a Canadian actor) working out on a stationary bike. (still stretching...)

That's all I can think of for now.

oh, one more:

12. My friends house is in the movie Jumanji

Um, when I was around 4 or 5 I was at the premiere of 'The Empire Strikes Back' and they had the original costumes of Darth Vader, C3PO and R2D2 in a side room. All the other kiddies were afraid of Darth but I went in under the cordon and started pulling at his cloak. There was a photo of me giving Darth a hard time on the front pages of the national papers next day!
1) My dad used to drive a van back in Colombia. The family he drove the van for would also give favors to the family's little girl friends when he gave them rides to a catolic dance classes or something. One of the little girls the family was friends turn out to be "Shakira" you know the one who sings "La tortura". So my dad would drive her to dance class when she was like 7 or 8.

2) I gave a hug to the "Racheal" from the last season of real world, "Auston". so yeah i met her in a club and i was like omg i luv you and gave her a big sweaty hug.
My claim to fame sadly has been mostly through family members :/

1. My sisters ex boyfriend dated Eminems wife Kims security guard.
2. My brother worked at TGIF and waited/talked on a lot of Detroit Red Wing players and other famous sport players. Kevin Hodson (past Wings goalie) used to sit at the bar and he and my brother would talk a lot. He's waited on Jamie Pushor and Dennis Rodman too.
3. My sister worked at a deli in Grosse Pointe and used to wait on Steve Yzermans wife Lisa a lot. They used to chat about lots of different things and even gave Yzermans daughter a cookie! :D

4. I met Sergei Fedorov's (previous Red Wings player) younger brother Fedor Fedorov who was at the time playing for the Port Huron Border cats (now playing for the New York Rangers). That was pretty cool. We snuck down to first row seats (because we had higher up ones) and then after the game we all got to go on the ice for autographs or what not. All the players were out there but everybody was surrounding Fedor. All the other guys were just there with like people occasionally coming up for autographs. I didn't have anything for him to sign but had brand new Nike tennis shoes on so I took one shoe off and had him sign it and when I took it off I had to lean on him just a little :p After I went around to the other players and had them sign on the other side of the shoe and when it was too full one of the other players said can I sign on the other side and he turned it over and goes Ahhh ok now I get why I am signing on the other side LOL :lol:

My claims to fame are a little lame but what the heck! Oh and by the way can you tell I like Hockey?? :D
cool zelandonia u met a lot of ppl.

I have met 1 of the beetles didnt no who he was till sum 1 told me :S lol, Also i have met Jessica simpson when i went to America last year got her autograph was pretty cool to meet her shes so pretty, Oh yeah went to sheffield at xmas and met Jordan aka Katie Price and Peter aundre got there autographs too they was turning on the xmas lights.

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