Air Pump Is Red Hot!


Fish Fanatic
Feb 5, 2006
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England (Yorkshire)
I had my air pump on for about 10 min when it started making a hell of a noise, i felt the tubing and it was red hot as was the actual machine. When couls be going on, is this normal, is it dangerous.

I would think blowing air through a hot tube would make the temparature of the water rise so i am not using until i know whats going on..

HELP :sad:
id not use it - it sounds as if its fine mechanically - diaphram seems okay if air is still coming out, but its quite dangerous. I woul;d get another, and write to manufacturer.
do u think i need one of those reverse valve things? Maybe the water got sucked into the machine somehow :grr:

That definately sounds like a possibility...where is your pump in realation to your tank? Is it above the waterlevel or below? My pump sits on the floor, with a non-return valve in the airline...runs no problems at all...

Any mechanical device that is supposed to run queit and makes a hell of a noise and gets hot ISN'T good news...if you've kept your recepit, get the thing taken back and replaced...better that then it blowing up completely, instead of just blowing! (as it were)


F&I B)
do u think i need one of those reverse valve things? Maybe the water got sucked into the machine somehow :grr:
Asking an obvious question here, but are you sure you have your check valve the right way round ?
i dont have any valves, nothing came with it. It is the rena flow 100 i think.

I just had it on again today to test it and only the unit got hot this time not the tubing but after a while it stopped blowing air, the unit was still on the cos i could feel it vibrating, wiggles the tube a bit and it started up again.

I have it below the water level, stood on the same thing as the tank
How old is the unit ? Take it back to the shop for them to test out if it's still fairly new.
i dont have any valves, nothing came with it. It is the rena flow 100 i think.

I just had it on again today to test it and only the unit got hot this time not the tubing but after a while it stopped blowing air, the unit was still on the cos i could feel it vibrating, wiggles the tube a bit and it started up again.

I have it below the water level, stood on the same thing as the tank

Hmmm. If it's below the water level, it definately needs a non-return valve. If I were you, I'd un plug it, leave it to dry out completely (3 days to a week) and then tentatively try it again. Better still, get a shop to take a butchers at it. If you have water in it, you may have invalidated any warrenties, but it's worth seeing what they say. It MAY be that you have just picked a duff pump off the shelf, and you'll get a shiny new one. But if you're using a pump below water level, get a non-return valve :)


F&I B)
If it can't be returned dry it out as above, then place it on some boxes/books or something so its higher than the tank.
i thought that because the tubiing is long enough to make a drip loop the water wouldnt be able to get in?

Drip loops work on the OUTSIDE of cables/tubes...this is inside. When you turn the pump off, for a brief moment it will create suction rather then outwards air flow...this will draw water into the pipe...and because you have your pump below the water line, in effect you have a siphon...Remember, water always seeks the lowest pint...Which in this case is your floor! Fit a non return valve near your airstone, and job's a good 'un

Cheers and possibly no more beers ever again (until tonight)

A very hungover

F&I :crazy:

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