Anyone Know Any Good Breeds Of Birds?

Actually I think you really need to sort out your idea of what is right and wrong. For instance my budgie has more freedom than my fish it's cage door is nearly always open and to be honest it stays in its cage where it feels safe. It flies around the room about twice a day and heads back to its cage.

I say if people can maintain the conditions to keep an animal healthy and alive then they should be allowed to keep them. If someones whats an elephant and own 200 acers of land why shouldn't they get one. After all these animals are not wild they have all been bred in captivity and domesticted. In the wild most wouldn't last ten minutes.

What are you views on keeping snakes?
IMO i dont think anyone should keep birds, they are meant to fly not to be kept in cages.

God, i hate people like you :angry: You're exactly one of the sorts of people who are involved with all this crap with PETA - They're wanting to get a law through saying that ALL pet/domesticated birds should be killed "for their own good". Apparently all pet birds are unhappy. I would quite happily have any of these freaks come and see my birds and tell me they are unhappy :rolleyes:

And dont say you dont agree with that because you said no-one should keep birds. So the birds that are very happy, loved pets... what are we supposed to do with them. They CANT survive in the wild, so the only other option would be to kill them. I'd like to see anyone try that with my birds :angry:

And your argument about dogs and cats is SOOOO stupid isn't almost funny :rolleyes: Dogs are supposed to roam free :lol: Maybe thousands of yuears ago they did but i know that my labradors would MUCH rather have a night infront of a nice warm fire than "roaming free" starving and dying a very slow and unpleasant death :/

This person is a good example of, if you dont have anything positive to add to a thread, stay quiet :lol:
This person is a good example of, if you dont have anything positive to add to a thread, stay quiet :lol:

That being said, shall we get back on topic now?

Mike nofx, have you given any thought or done anymore research since you started this thread?
Jessica13 - Don't make assumptions about people you havent met, of course i would not suggest that all domestic animals should be killed for their own good, they should not have benn domesticated in the first place.
That being said, shall we get back on topic now?
::points to the above::
Let's not get a thread closed over ideology. It would be far more useful to give this person advice on birds and why he/she should/should not get them than to offer deep-rooted personal beliefs on either side of the captive bird issue.

Anyways, so far the origional poster has not replied, but I thought I should mention - if you do consider getting something like, say, finches, please do not get the cages pet stores suggest as sufficient for the species. They are a popular bird because they are small, reasonably low volume (not to be mistaken for low-chatter though), and do not have as long of a lifespan as parrots and smaller parrot-like birds. Despite thier popularity, however, almost no stores offer sufficient caging; the closest I've seen is a large breeding cage intended for parakeets. An actual aviary would be better. It would be important to get something like this so that they get exersize since they can not be let out of the cage; anything less would lead to a very dull and cramped life for a finch.
Also, if you do get finches (which I still personally think is a bad idea since birds in general do not seem to fit into your lifestyle), please consider a zebratail or society finch; they are typically 100% captive bred, and are more common, so a vet is more likely to know how to treat one. They are also a bit hardier as they are not quite as stressed by the captive environment as other species. Just remember, with few exceptions, most birds are just captive bred wild animals; there are very few truly domesticated species. This means unique challenges you would not have with a domesticated animal.
Fish are not denied their right to swim, birds are.
When birds are kept correctly, this is anything but true. Have you ever had a pet bird or been around someone who really cares about their's? If not, don't pretend you know what their lives are like. My parrotlet is fully flighted and welcome to fly any time during the several hours a day he is out of his cage, but he generally prefers to sit on my shoulder and play with my jewelry instead. Many wild species of birds don't exactly fly for hours on end during the day, it's just a way to get from one foraging area to another.

Jessica13 - Don't make assumptions about people you havent met, of course i would not suggest that all domestic animals should be killed for their own good, they should not have benn domesticated in the first place.
But alas, we can't turn back time. This is the real world, where domesticated animals do exist and are quite happy living with loving owners.
Jessica13 - Don't make assumptions about people you havent met, of course i would not suggest that all domestic animals should be killed for their own good, they should not have benn domesticated in the first place.

I dont see what was so wrong in my assumption. You said EXACTLY what the people at PETA have been saying, almost word for word. So what exactly did i assume wrong? and as you know so much about the welfare of bird, can you tell me what exactly i should be doing with my three pet birds? Just so i know im not being cruel to the poor little things :rolleyes: You obviously think its wrong to keep them and we shouldn't be allowed to have them anymore, so what do you, in all your experience and vast knowledge, suggest? :)

I think the original poster's question was answered fully. Hopefully he's researching his new bird or giving it some more thought :)

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