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  1. L

    Blood Parrot Eggs

    Thanks everyone for your help. Most of the eggs have now turned white and none have hatched, so i guess the eggs are either infertile or the fungus just spread. O well, maybe they will spawn again and I can try to remove the eggs that turn white and see if the rest hatch. I didnt really do...
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    Blood Parrot Eggs

    aren't the dark grey ones fertilized?
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    Blood Parrot Eggs

    ok so here's a pic of the eggs Visit My Website
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    Blood Parrot Eggs

    Ok so i have two blood parrot cichlids in my tank and i'm assuming that they have spawned (i see wat i think are eggs on the side of a log in the tank). My question is if i dont do anything with the eggs will they survive? The other fish in the tank are a 6 in green terror, a 5-6 in oscar, a 5...
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    Rain Water

    well i wouldn't use just the rainwater by itself because it's lacking stuff that fish and plants need (it's too soft as strange as that sounds). I would mix it with a little tapwater (how much depends on how soft you want it) and then treat with something to get rid of chlorine and chloramine...
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    Nitrite Spike...

    Ya i figured it was probably too much waste. The last new fish that was added was about two or three months ago. I got a new filter about a month ago, do you think it was that? Do you think that everything will sorta settle out and fix itself or is there something that i should do other than...
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    Nitrite Spike...

    weird. any idea wat could cause that?
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    Nitrite Spike...

    Hey everybody, so i was recently testing the water in my tanks and one of my tanks was very high in nitrites. So what i don't get is wat could cause a nitrite spike in a tank that has been established for years? I did a water change and the fish seem to be doing fine, but i would like to fix...
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    Trouble In Paradise...

    Hey everyone! So, i've managed to get myself into a little dilemna. Awhile back, i set up what I hoped would be a 55g malawi tank. I had about 9 fish in the tank when some form of disease wiped out all but three of them :'(. At this point, every new fish that was introduced was picked on...
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    Stupid Question?

    Hey, so everything I've read on breeding tiger barbs says to get a shoal and allow them to pair off from the shoal. Then move the pair to a conditioning tank, and then a spawning tank. So here's the stupid question: how do you tell which fish have paired off? Thanks for your help (I've never...
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    New Tank Stocking

    Thanks guys! About the tiger barbs, I've heard that they have a tendency to harass the other fish but that this can be reduced by a big shoal. Is this the case? And do you think that the RTBS will be ok with the cories since they are both bottom dwelling fish and I've heard the shark can be...
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    Cories And A Shark?

    Hey i'm planning out a new tank and i was wondering if a school of three or four bronze or peppered cories will get along with a redtailed black shark in a 4 ft long 55 gallon tank (they're not the only ones). I've never had either fish before so any help would be appreciated! Thanks!!
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    New Tank Stocking

    55 gallons, but mostly I just want to know what you think as far as compatibility and how they will all behave together. Thanks for any input!
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    New Tank Stocking

    hey! i just got another tank and i'm currently in the planning stages, and i've heard some different opinions on some of the fish. Here's the stocking scheme; tell me what you think. Please only respond if you have experience with these fish, as i want to know how they really act. Thanks...
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    55 Gal. Setup

    hey everybody! i just got a new 55 gallon 4 ft long tank. i'm currently in the planning stages and i want to try some new fish, and i'm at a loss and need some ideas. so anyway, i'm wondering what your favorite fish are, and maybe a little something about them (maybe what you like about them)...
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    What Do You Know?

    well i was just getting ready to make another trip to my lfs for more mbuna, and i was trying to decide what fish i wanted. i remembered this really pretty fish that they had there last time i went that was called a blue ahli cichlid (sorry i don't remember the scientific name, but it was a...
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    55g Malawi/rocky Setups

    what kind of bottom fish? like maybe some synodontis?
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    Snow White Socolofi?

    so i'm considering getting a snow white socolofi, but just looking around the site, i've read like a billion different opinions on them, like some people think that they're way too aggresive, some think they're just fine. what are your thoughts?
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    55g Malawi/rocky Setups

    thanks everyone!!! you all have tons of good advice! so i think i might have to resign myself to the fact that the auratus could be a problem. So i'm looking into either taking them back the the lfs or getting them their own tank. How big do you think the species tank would have to be(keeping...
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    Malawis Need Algae?

    so i know that malawis need like plants in their diet and normally algae grows in tanks even when you don't want it to (i mean geez i have another tank that's just filled with algae no matter what i do :fun: :P ). But my rocks and glass and....well everything is still stubbornly lacking in...
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    55g Malawi/rocky Setups maybe i shouldn't have gotten the auratus in the first place, but now i have them, the lfs won't take them back, and i don't have a disposable income, so i can't get a new besides getting rid of the auratus, what do you guys think about maybe a zebra? any help would be...
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    55g Malawi/rocky Setups

    hey everyone! so, i'm relatively new to malawis, and i have a fairly new 55g mbuna tank. in it so far are 3 auratus (1 m, 2 f), 1 zebra, and 1 socolofi. i'm looking to continue stocking but i was wondering what you guys think would be good fish, and what's the best way to introduce them (like...
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    Introducing Live Plants To A Fish Tank

    there really aren't any parasites on live plants. there's almost always snail eggs on live plants. it is possible though to buy plants that are guaranteed snail egg free. if you don't go that way (which can be a little more expensive) just rinsing the plants really well should get rid of...
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    Brown Slime On My Blue Filter Sponges

    it might also be brown algae, which isn't really bad. it's just a sign of not enough light.
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    10 Gallon Community?

    i'd say u can absolutely add some small fish to the tank. even though they're called siamese fighting fish, they're generally very peaceful towards any fish that aren't also bettas. just avoid any kind of gourami (i dunno if you're thinking of a dwarf gourami) cuz the bettas tend to confuse...
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    Why Hasnt She Give Birth

    are the tank conditions good (i.e. nitrite, nitrate, ammonia)? cuz pregnant females will hold off giving birth if the conditions aren't to their liking. this gives the fry a better chance to live (sort of a survival instinct, like giving birth in the plants). also wat's the temp. cuz the lower...
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    Minimum Tank Size

    you could keep a trio (1 male, 2 females) in a 2 1/2 - 5 gal tank, but if you want more males, i would go for a 10g and keep at least 3 males cuz you won't get the back and forth. i know it can be a problem, but personally, my males get along fine with at least 3 in a tank, and i know some...
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    Fry Is Dying Help!

    ya, it could be a bacteria bloom in the small tank, but if the other tank is cycled then it might be something else. are you overfeeding the fry or not cleaning up leftovers? also wat are you feeding them? cuz the food might just be too big. good luck, i hope it gets better!
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    New Tank Mates

    angels are definately not a good idea. like donna said, they'll eat the fry and they'll also harass the adults, especially the males until they die. a schooling fish would be a good addition. zebra danios are pretty and they're gorgeous moving around in a school.
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    Guppy Boy

    wow! he's gorgeous :D . i dont recognize a specific type, but of course i don't claim to have seen them all. he's probly a hybrid-genetic lottery type boy, like his parents were both totally diferent strains and he's just a scrambling of them. totally gorgeous though :D :D
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    Worried About Moving Fry

    if the stats are close, you could probly move them, just be careful so they're not too stressed. how are you planning on moving them? (net, turkey baster....?)
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    Hep With Pregnant Guppy

    ya, she's probly not done delivering yet, keep an eye on her. congrats on the babies!
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    Tail Colour

    i have a little boy in my tank that i kept from a recent drop. he's about a month old and his tail and body are already coloring up, but i could tell it was a boy at about 2 1/2 weeks. it depends on the fish cuz they all develop at different rates. hope this helps
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    Shrimp For Newbie

    hey! i've never kept shrimp before, but i'm looking for something to control the algae/detritus in a 10gal fry tank. some people have suggested shrimp, but from wat i've read, some shrimp are hunters and are dangerous around fry(or other small fish :( ). are there any shrimp that would make a...
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    Help Fry Dying

    usually frozen brine shrimp is too big for fry, baby brine shrimp is much better, but powdered flake food works too. feed multiple times a day (at least twice) :D good luck with the fry
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    Fry Tank Ideas?

    ya, i've heard that the shrimp are good for this. thanx. i've never kept shrimp though, wat sort of care do they need? like, is leftover food enough for them, or should i offer other foods? if so, wat food (would algae wafers be good)? thanx, everyone. :good: i'll let u guys know wat i pick and...
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    Fry Tanks

    the only problem with sand is that the water doesnt flow through the sand too well and this can cause aneorobic(sp?) bacteria to grow inside the sand. it's probly fine though if you dont have it too deep or if you stir it up every now and then (or have fish that burrow, cuz they'll stir it up...
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    Identfying Cichlid

    hmm, could it be a julidochromis of some kind? i dunno, pics would definately help! :P
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    plants realy aren't necessary in a mbuna tank, but if you want them, you gotta go for sturdy, hardy species cuz of the hard, alkaline water
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    What To Do?

    if you really want to change the rocks, you should, but the algae growth is good in an african tank cuz algae plays a small to big part of african cichlid diet.