New Tank Mates


New Member
Jul 14, 2004
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I just bought a 28 gallon aquarium with plans of combining my two 5 gallon tanks, which both have a few guppies. One tank also has an algae eater and an albino cory. So, I was hoping to add a new breed to the tank once I get everything set up and running for awhile. I really like angel fish but I'm unsure of how they will treat my current fish (I heard they're aggressive and like to eat guppies?). Any suggestions would be great. I'm looking for a breed that is larger and colorful :nod:
Well, first, what kind of algae eater do you have? You should add another 5 or so corys, so your one doesn't get lonely. I don't know much about angel fish, but I have heard they'll eat any guppy fry they can find.

I'm not sure what's big and colorful that you could put into that, but you could add a group of schooling fish (tetras, etc.)

How many guppies do you have, and are they male, female, or both?
if you want fry forget the angel, they will hunt evey last one, mine had to be rehomed,
have you got any platys they are slightly bigger and come in all colours.
all the best with your fry donna :) .
angels are definately not a good idea. like donna said, they'll eat the fry and they'll also harass the adults, especially the males until they die. a schooling fish would be a good addition. zebra danios are pretty and they're gorgeous moving around in a school.
Well, I'm not exactly sure of the type of algae eater (I've only known it to be called a common algae eater), but it's about 4-5 inches long. Both the algae eater and the albino cory were given to me because my friend was moving, so I just added them to my guppy tank. I wasn't aware of the cory needing some friends, so I will look into that. As for the guppy fry, I wanted some when I first bought my guppies a couple of years ago, but now I'm becoming overwhelmed with the amount of fry. Anything that could help with controlling my guppy population would be preferable (is that awful to say as a fish lover? :/ ). I have 4 males in one tank, and 3 males in the other with 5 females (some are not adults). Would gouramis be a good addition, and if so, how many should be together?
Your algae eater might be a Chinese Algae Eater (CAE). If so, it could be a problem as they get agressive and cam eat small fish when they get older.

Most LFS will buy/take guppies once they are about 3 months old. If your LFS won't do this, and you really need to get rid of some, you could probably get someone around here to buy/take some. I'm only a state or two away (too lazy to look at and I will take/buy (if mom lets me...) some :D. I guess another way would be using them as fish food.

I really have NO idea about anything related to gouramis, so can't help you there, sorry.
I went to have a look around my lfs, and I think dalmation balloon mollies are adorable. Would they be suitable partners for my guppies? I read something about mollies needing salt, but would that hurt my cory and algae eater?

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