Nitrite Spike...


New Member
Jul 18, 2006
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Hey everybody, so i was recently testing the water in my tanks and one of my tanks was very high in nitrites. So what i don't get is wat could cause a nitrite spike in a tank that has been established for years? I did a water change and the fish seem to be doing fine, but i would like to fix watever the problem is. Any ideas would be welcome :good: thanks
Maybe overfeeding or an overseen death or introducing too many new fish? That would produce an excess of ammonia thus raising nitrite levels above the bacterias' consumption levels :dunno:
If your nitrite bacteria had died as previously suggested it would take a long time for the nitrite level to drop back to zero so what are your readings now?
Bacteria multiply enough to eat the ammont ofammonia that is in their environment. If you add more fish, that means extra ammonia. THe bacteria respond saying "hey we have extra food now, lets multiply" so they do and eat the remaining ammonia. It kind of works like that.
Did you clean your filter in tap water? (it should be cleaned in old tank water)I did this once and got exaxctly what you have. Don T.
Bacteria multiply enough to eat the ammont ofammonia that is in their environment. If you add more fish, that means extra ammonia. THe bacteria respond saying "hey we have extra food now, lets multiply" so they do and eat the remaining ammonia. It kind of works like that.

Yup, pretty much but it can still cause a spike while it catches up though
If "one bacteria died" the others did too. I don't know of anything in-tank or out of tank that can just kill one type of bacteria. Just do a 100% water change and keep you eye on it.
Ya i figured it was probably too much waste. The last new fish that was added was about two or three months ago. I got a new filter about a month ago, do you think it was that? Do you think that everything will sorta settle out and fix itself or is there something that i should do other than water changes? Thanks everyone

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