Fry Tank Ideas?


New Member
Jul 18, 2006
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hey, i'm setting up a new 10g fry tank for my guppy or cichlid fry (not at the same time-don't worry ;) ), but i was wondering if maybe there's a good fish that i can keep in there while there's no fry in there(but that could also stay in there with the fry). i was thinking maybe a cory of some sort. obviously watever fish it is would have some serious limitations (ie. won't eat the babies, won't get too big for 10g, can be kept in singular or small groups...) but although i'm new to this forum, i'm not new to fishkeeping, so a delicate/finicky fish isn't too big an issue. thanks in advance for any and all advise! :D
I think a lot of people will suggest pygmy corys for something like this. I do :D I have some corys (though not pygmy) with my fry and haven't had any problems, yet I have heard some corys will eat fry. it depends on the personality of the individual fish. A nice group of those (since I haven't had pygmys, I wouldn't know exactly how many; maybe 5 or so. I'm sure someone could supply you with this answer.) would be good.

Or some shrimp (which I also haven't had) which seem to be in a lot of fry tanks around here.

good luck with the gups and other fry :D
I've kept a smallish panda, albino, or green cory with angel fry once they are swimmers. They are great for cleaning up excess food, and don't bother the fry.
Yes, they grow to 12" and need groups. Not a 10g fish.

Cories are always a good bet. I've kept Cories in fry tanks before, with no problems.
try clown loach.
my clown loaches are the first to eat the fry in my big tank... so i wouldn't try, they're big pigs! :no:

my roommate put in some white clouds with her babies once they got a little big bigger and they didn't seem to bother them at all. plus they're really pretty, and small fish so they work well in a small tank. she has 3 of them. she also uses ghost shrimp to clean up the bottom. oh yeah and she put in a small kuhli loach to help clean and they haven't eaten the fry either.
ya, i've heard that the shrimp are good for this. thanx. i've never kept shrimp though, wat sort of care do they need? like, is leftover food enough for them, or should i offer other foods? if so, wat food (would algae wafers be good)? thanx, everyone. :good: i'll let u guys know wat i pick and how it works out :D any input is still welcome. wat do u guys use in your fry tanks?

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