Blood Parrot Eggs


New Member
Jul 18, 2006
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Ok so i have two blood parrot cichlids in my tank and i'm assuming that they have spawned (i see wat i think are eggs on the side of a log in the tank). My question is if i dont do anything with the eggs will they survive? The other fish in the tank are a 6 in green terror, a 5-6 in oscar, a 5 in siamese algae eater, an 8 in pleco, and the two blood parrots are about 6 in and 4 in. Some of the eggs are a darkish grey and some are solid white. The 6 in parrot is guarding/tending the eggs, and the other seems pretty uninterested. Wat i thought I would do is if the eggs will be ok in there, i figured i would move the babies when they are free swimming. Is this a good idea? Also, how long does it take for the eggs to hatch/become free swimming? Will the parrot be able to guard the eggs and/or fry sufficiently? Thanks everybody. I'll try to post pics as soon as i figure out how to
yes male blood parrots are infertile!!!
tried it be4 mine spawned like 4 times with no frys every spawn!!!
i traded the pair for something else i for got what tho.....
i spawned bloodparrots in a 10 gallon befor!!!!!
this one might be an exception. his eggs are gray. my parrots usually have tanish colored eggs and they are never fertile, but his are a different color.

best of luck to you.
It's hard to say though as unfertilized eggs become white at completely random times. 5 of 50 will turn white one day, and then 20 the next and so on. We will know if they are fertile by tommorow evening though.
Thanks everyone for your help. Most of the eggs have now turned white and none have hatched, so i guess the eggs are either infertile or the fungus just spread. O well, maybe they will spawn again and I can try to remove the eggs that turn white and see if the rest hatch. I didnt really do anything this time because technically it's not my tank, it's my parents and they didnt want me to take the eggs out, but maybe i will if they spawn again. I really dont know much about blood parrots; if the males are usually sterile, you don't suppose the female could have crossed with anything else in the tank? Thanks again everyone. I really apreciate your help.

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