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  1. redbug


    You are killing me.. i have maybe 15 corys in my 150 gallon tank my juvie albinos are still to small to add.but they will be in the tank soon. I love the look of the albino and blacks in you sig. and will be looking to pick some up.
  2. redbug

    Adding Bogwood To The Tank

    boiling it will kill anything that would be bad for the fish the soaking will help it sink and remove some of the tennans SP that gives your water the tea color. I have boiled mine for a few hours and scrubbed it down and added it It floated for a bit and turned my water darker but my...
  3. redbug

    Discus Id

    What ever you do if that is the tank you are keeping them in for now You need to move them quickly Discus will stress out very easily and a small tank wont help
  4. redbug

    Nominations For Feb 2011 Pet Of The Month Comp

    here are sweetpea and sassy my hounds
  5. sassyandpea in the snow.jpg

    sassyandpea in the snow.jpg

  6. redbug

    When Will It End!

    Thanks for the nod.. these are my 3 and 4 year old basset hounds Sweet pea and Sassafras. I have a big pine tree in the middle of my yard that we clear a path to in the deep snow. they run out to the tree and play under it for a bit then head back to the house..
  7. sassyandpea in the snow.jpg

    sassyandpea in the snow.jpg

  8. redbug

    When Will It End!

    This winter is unreal. They weather forcast for the winter was calling for a mild and snow free winter with only 20" for the season. Well the screwed that up, we already have 40" and it is only the end of Jan. my poor dogs need a break
  9. redbug

    Boy How They Albino Corys

    These guys are about 3 months old I also found a pregnant black guppy they I put in the tank she died after giving birth
  10. redbug

    Primarily All Fresh Veggie Diet

    I feed my plecos nothing but fresh veggies and fruit. I will also feed the a cooked shrimp on occasion. mine are doing very well on the fresh stuff.
  11. redbug

    My New Exodon Tank

    your link isn't working
  12. redbug

    Neon Tetra Not Schooling

    It could be the size difference. I can tell you from my fishing experience that if i find a school of bass that are small I wont catch a big one out of that school and if i find a school that has bigger fish i could get a monster out of that school
  13. redbug

    Redbug's 150 Gallon Tank

    A short video of some of my fish the tank is being cleaned so its a little cloudy
  14. redbug

    Cory Fry Vs Guppies

    well it looks like i will be giving a few guppies away to a friend to make room. thanks guys your the best Wayne
  15. redbug

    Loaches & Cories

    I have yoyo loaches that did a great job with my snails they haven't bothered my panda corys either just be sure after the snails are gone to keep them feed
  16. redbug

    New Guppy Tank.... Males Only.

    very cool and all the different colors...
  17. redbug

    Fish Itching, And Dying :(

    As stated a 50% water change can get you heading in thr right direction
  18. redbug

    Cory Fry Vs Guppies

    My corys are ready to spawn and the only tank i have ready has about 10 young guppies in it I am wondering if they will eat the fry The guppies wont make it in my main tank it has 4 BIG BLACK angles. they would love a snack
  19. redbug

    Fish Itching, And Dying :(

    I would do a retest of the PH in it jumped that much that could caused the trouble you are having if it that high i would do a major water change to start to correct the ph
  20. redbug

    Tank Cleaning Gone Very Wrong! (Fresh Water)

    What i meant was ti clean half the tank with the gravel vac. I would continue until the gravel is clean I just drained about 35 gallons from my 150 tank and am filling it now. then in 4 days i will do another area of the tank
  21. redbug

    Bronze Corys

    they look great I am getting ready to move my albino juvis into the big tank and place the breeders back for round 2
  22. redbug

    Tank Cleaning Gone Very Wrong! (Fresh Water)

    I would suggest cleaning half your tank gravel evry week that will help keep the tank healthy in the long run
  23. redbug

    New Fish

    I have a male albino that is very active. I wish i could find a quality supply of females so i could give him a little friend congrats on your new fish they do grow quickly
  24. redbug

    Outside Guppy Pond......had My Camera With Me.

    I work for the power company here in Pa so i spend all day out in this junk it feels even worse when your 25 ft up on a ladder and the wind is blowing goo news only 57 days til spring
  25. redbug

    Lowering Filter Current?

    That was what I did to slow it down you could also add extra holes along the bar and keep the flow up
  26. redbug

    Outside Guppy Pond......had My Camera With Me.

    I am amazed that you can have a tropical fish pond I am sitting here looking out my window at 6" of snow that has been on the ground for 2 weeks They are calling for another 6 to 10" coming in this week
  27. redbug

    This Is One Very Happy Girl :)

    That is unacceptable I don't think it is fair to make us wait until Monday!!!
  28. redbug

    Due To Fry When U Can See Fry's Eyes? (Dots In Gravid Spot)

    i believe it is ,,, congrats
  29. redbug

    How Many People Keep Small Fish In A Big Tank?

    I have a 150 gallon and I do have 5 black angles but other than that I have all tetras I have SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much room to add more fish and they will be small ones I always joke around about having nothing but neon's in it
  30. redbug

    Hiding Place For 10" Plec

    I think the cork will be fine and adding the java moss or fern to it will make it look great. another more natural effect is to silicone it and roll it in what ever you use as substrate. I just built a huge cave out of drift wood my big guy will spend most of the day sitting on top and only...
  31. redbug

    Ice Cubes?

    I had my Corys in a 10 gallon tank. After the females fattened up I did a 50% water change with ice water and dropped my water temps from low 80's to mid 60's The next morning I had eggs all over the tank the fish fish laid eggs for 2 days I removed the parents and hatched the eggs
  32. redbug

    Unwelcome Guests (Snails)

    I had a real bad snail problem they were all over my 150 gallon tank. I didnt want to use chemicals so I purchased snail eating loaches they did the trick and had the snails gone in a couple of weeks.
  33. redbug

    Why Are Common Plecs So Cheap?

    I hear that they are starting to mass breed the l46 over in Thailand I guess they figure go after the big dollar fish
  34. redbug

    Big Tank Upstairs

    I have a 150 gallon tank in my family room it is above a full basement. I made sure that it sits across the floor joists for more support.
  35. redbug


    they are very shy... I had 1 years ago and never saw the poor thing. when I moved I found it while I was draining the tank for the move. I had put it in the tank 2 years earlier. As far as ease of care ... well mine lived for 2 years without any special
  36. redbug

    Fish Colours

    Okay I should have read first.. but I need some help in a hurry!!!! I was washing my yellow labs in warm water with a dog shampoo but something went wrong??? I think they are poached... should I still try to brush them or just buy tarter sauce??
  37. redbug

    What Are Good Tank Mates

    It looks to me that you will be over stocking the tank. Discus are a very difficult fish to care for and can become stressed very easily.
  38. redbug

    6/7 Neons Died ; ( Why Did They ?

    This is a good idea when adding fish. I also use a system similar to this. What type of rock did you add? did you clean and boi; it before adding it to the take/
  39. redbug

    Panda Cories

    if he has been solo in the tank for a while he may become aggressive towards any other fish that is added. if you go with the panda's i would suggest at least 4 they tend to do better in groups