Discus Id


Fish Crazy
Nov 30, 2008
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due to a relationship breakdown my mother-inlaw has been left with a few tanks and fish that she has asked me to try and move on for her. i am a fish keeper but i keep malawi cichlids + marine so need help to ID these 3 discus

they are all between 5-6" and in good condition, the two red ones are supposed to be a pair but im not sure how to sex them so cant say for sure.

they have been transfered to a small tank to make the water changes more managable for her (i live in chesterfield and the fish are in doncaster so cant help with maintenance too much)

also what sort of price would these sell for?





Very nice discus. Kso, the 2 orange looking ones are definatly Pigeon blood. and the big blue one , is a Blue diamond.
And to sex them is abit difficult. But look at the fins. Females will have more rounded dorsal fins, and males with usually havfve pointier fins with trailors.
Im not really sure , how much they would go for, id say $50 for each would be reasonalbe.
the red ones are marlboro reds , very similar to pigeon bloods . these are 1 of the many "pigeon based" strains and the blue 1 is a blue diamond . if the pair is proven then depending on strain youre looking at around £160 upwards a blue diamond that sort of size , from a dealer youd expect to pay 55 to 65 pound .
im not sure if they are proven. her husband bought them as a pair and also the blue ones as a pair but one died. i had a rough idea on price of around £40-50 each but as i said i dont know alot about discus
i have to admit i thought pigeon blood to start with , they can be very similar in appearence. some marlboros will have more white than others , which was what made me think pigeon blood to start with. altho to be fair marlboro red is still a "pigeon based strain" so there isnt much difference between them. altho to be fair in the last pic of all 3 together , the red one in the middle is without doubt marlboro red , but the 1 on the right does have more of a pigeon blood look to it , due to the blue hints in the anal fin , which ive never seen on a marlboro

im not sure if they are proven. her husband bought them as a pair and also the blue ones as a pair but one died. i had a rough idea on price of around £40-50 each but as i said i dont know alot about discus

at 40 to 50 pound each thats a good price you should have no problem selling them at that price .
well she has left it to me to sell the tanks and fish so i would rather not try to sell them as a pair so if i put then up at £50 each or £135 for all 3 does that sound reasonable?
yes id say thats a fair price , they are pretty good specemins . unless you know for sure the pair hashad a successfull spawning resulting in fry or at least fertile eggs , then its best to advertise them as a pair but unproven .
i seem to recall him telling me they had produced eggs but i dont think they was fertilised (he never had young anyway) so as im selling them under my name on this forum i would rather just sell them as unproven pair.

thanks for your help
What ever you do if that is the tank you are keeping them in for now You need to move them quickly
Discus will stress out very easily and a small tank wont help
yes i understand what you are saying, they have been moved to a smaller tank for now as it makes it easier for her to do water changes as she works long hours and is not really a fish keeper i am trying to go up once a week to help with maintenance but i have work commitments so cant guarantee it. fingers crossed they will sell pretty quick
if thats the reasoning behind the small tank , you would be better off putting them in as big a tank as possible. you will soon run into water quality issues in that small tank. put them in say a 40 to 50g tank and theyl only need 1 waterchange a week. in there its gonna be more like daily or every other day .
if thats the reasoning behind the small tank , you would be better off putting them in as big a tank as possible. you will soon run into water quality issues in that small tank. put them in say a 40 to 50g tank and theyl only need 1 waterchange a week. in there its gonna be more like daily or every other day .

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