My New Exodon Tank


New Member
Jan 16, 2011
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here is my 55 gal exodon aquarium. ive finalized the deal with the lfs. once my aquarium finishes its cycle, i will be getting 25 exodons for $150, and 7 sterbai cory 50$. not too bad a deal i figure seeing as the exodons are $10 ea on the sign, and corys are $10 ea as well. hopefully the link works. its a picture of my tank set up. Feedback is always great!

hm really? thanks for letting me know. try it again?
Looking great, but I don't think your Sterbais will last too long with the Exodens
That's a nice setup, I am guessing it's a real plant setup?
its actually plastic plants. real in the future i hope! as for the corys, ive heard both ends of the spectrum on keeping them with exodons.and lately ive been getting positive feed back about it. So im gonna give it a try. ill be introducing the corys a week before the exodons, and also just ensuring that they are very well fed so they dont have any urges to go after the cory. there is a cave at either end of the tank and a drift wood cave in the middle. well planted so im hoping the exodons stay away from the bottom. wish me luck!
Very impressive :good:

hey keith. what is your stance on corys with exodons. also. do you have any knowledge about crayfish as a clean up crew?
your tank looks amazing, i'll echo 'rustyspurs' question where did you get the fake plants from? The background adds a lot to the set-up you've got there, love it
hm really? thanks for letting me know. try it again?

great tank. what size is your tank is?
sooner, i think, ill be buying this kind of tank and plants. :)

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