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  1. K

    Two females in same container...

    Hey BettaRFriends, send some pix! :rolleyes:
  2. K

    tail types

    To me they both look like male plakats. BUT if they are in a community together right now peacfully (somewhat) then they would most likely be female. HOw are u keeping them?
  3. K

    What is your Favorite Betta Color/Pattern?

    Sorry if I forgot any.
  4. K

    Three New Plakats

    Dude I wish we had a store like that around here... :hey:
  5. K

    Betta containers.

    those I posted are not the best I admit, but I got mine for 6 bucks USD... which is cheap compared to other glass tanks. They are also acrylic, which means shatter-proof. They come with optional corner filters. Also they are covered, so you dont have to buy a seperate hood. :thumbs:
  6. K

    Where does ur bettas sleeps????

    My DeT sleeps in his PVC cave, my CT sleeps in this rock cave, Every morning wheni turn the lights on they crawl out of their caves like little bats. :lol:
  7. K

    Betta containers.

    I think bettas can be viewed better in a retangular tank. A round tank can distort many views. Go to LFS and buy something like this. It can go from .5 gallon to 2.5 gallon.
  8. K

    Flushing / Binning Dead Fish

    I just bury my fish... It does the plants good.
  9. K

    Short tail betta

    yeah... I used to live in the bay area and im familiar with the LFS. :( I think your best bet again, is too look up LFS in the san jose area off of mapquest or the yellowbook. I live in southern california now, so I dont know any,
  10. K

    Importing bettas

    Oh yeah i forgot to mention... Keep the betta on you as your carrion luggage. The cargo area is not completely pressurized... You dont want your bettas to explode do you. :crazy:
  11. K

    What would the results be?

    Red wash to me is fine if you keeping the betta as a pet and not breeding stock. I doubt BettaRfriend would mind, because it is his first spawn. :)
  12. K

    Importing bettas

    I read somewhere that it is not Illegal to bring betta in the US. Only certain species (i.e. endangered/pest). I hear stories of people bring bettas in with water bottles and what not. Just dont publicly announce to the gaurd that your carrying fish on you. But this is bases on stories I...
  13. K

    Betta's in a pond

    Oops I didn't realize that you were from the phillipines. You speak english so well!! anywho, the pond sounds like a good idea then. What sucks is that betta are hard to monitor from the top. I hope things work good for you. :thumbs:
  14. K

    Short tail betta

    Look in independent fish shops, preferably asian. I don't know about San Fransisco though, Its predominately Chinese, and chinese are more into the goldfish hobby. If you are willing, look up fish stores across the bay in the San Jose region where theres a lot of Vietnamese people. You may...
  15. K

    Betta's in a pond

    why dont you just get Koi, or fancy goldfish in it? They look better in the pond than betta do. Also if you go with goldfish about 1 goldfish per 1 square feet of surface area... you dont have to have a filter or aeration, specially if your planting plants. the outdoors may have too much...
  16. K

    indian almond leaves or other betta websites. Or you could go to you Local Thai supermarket or fish store... if you live around a thai area. If your in the Southern California region, i know of a place.
  17. K

    indian almond leaves

    When you pick of the tree, find the already dried ones, or pick them off the ground, its safe if you wash it. You lucky to have a free source of indian almond.
  18. K

    What tail type is this?

    Really? I didn't know that. What do you think my betta is, delta or super delta.
  19. K

    Black Spots at the end of the rays

    darn its so hard to get nice close up pics of him. but i'll try
  20. K

    Heating 1 gallon for $6.97 USD

    PM is "private message" its an option to send 1on1 messages via Forum.
  21. K

    Black Spots at the end of the rays

    Recently I just found small black balls at the end of my CT's rays. It is not on all of them. The rest of the lobes are pale at the end as a sign of growing (he is still young). Is this Fin Rot? His fins are still long and full so I dont know.... :crazy:
  22. K


    :whistle: Yeah Im lucky he was still there on the shelf!
  23. K

    Carnation – Male Veil-tail Cellophane

    You should get a bigger jar for that beautiful betta! :wub:
  24. K


    Here are my boys I got from a Thai LFS. This is my Mustard Gas Super Delta. Heres him resting on his plant. This is my red CT. I dont have a lot of his pictures on this computer.
  25. K

    Boiled peas as treat for bettas

    Lol just fed my betta some peas earlier and after 4 days of being constipated, he crapped a peice the size of montana. :hyper: His swollen belly reduced to half the size. It was funny because I was literally sitting there waiting for him to crap. :rofl:
  26. K

    Boiled peas as treat for bettas

    What other veggies are edible besides peas?
  27. K

    For Variety

    I just found some dried peas that I put in water and microwave. I just fed it, now im waiting for results... Hes been constipated for awhile.
  28. K


    Also, if you drop in a pellet and use to toothpick and move it across the surface of the water in front of his face, he will think its a bug and eat it. Works for me. Or he might just say, "Silly human, trix are for kids"
  29. K

    Why do bettas yawn?

    So... Its normal right? :crazy: Anybody got a sparknotes version on that. :rolleyes:
  30. K

    For Variety

    ok is this just me or is this guy :thumbs: look like hes flipping you off. Anyway thanks for the input, i'll go try it today.
  31. K

    tank mates

    Try to find something that doesn't nip your bettas fins and also it would help if they ate the same kind of food. Also you could keep invertabrates like apple snails or ghost shrimp. Betta personalities are different so you will get different reaction with different tank mates. So experiment.
  32. K

    For Variety

    I have heard about this too... How would you go about preparing it? Does it cloud water? How do you serve it? Thanks
  33. K

    Betta Yawning

    is there an explanation on why the yawn?
  34. K

    Feeding Only Bloodworms

    on my FDbloodworms tube it says "great source of roughage"... Does that mean its cardboard? LOL. I feed my bettas mostly FD bloodworms too with an occasional fruitfly, do you think I need to add pellets for vitamins?
  35. K

    Here he is..

    I didn't know they were so expensive until i saw them for sale online. I been buying them for a buck for awhile now, I thought they were just common leaves until now.
  36. K

    Here he is..

    Orange County California. Westminster, if you are around this area i'll hook you up with the address and phone number. Its 1.00 for 6 leaves... NOW THATS A DEAL!!!!
  37. K

    Here he is..

    My LFS sells Super deltas, Deltas, Crowntails, Plakats, Veiltails. They also carry indian almond leaves and all the betta medication. Im lucky to have a Thai/Vietnamese fish store neear my house. :whistle: Here is my lastest fish I got from there: The water is brown because the indian...
  38. K

    Betta Yawning

    My betta once in awhile yawns while he is swimming. I was wondering if this is normal?