indian almond leaves


Jul 24, 2004
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hi, I just want to ask--is it safe to uses indian almond leaves that have dried up, but are not sun-dried? What I mean is, I noticed that the leaves that naturally fall from the tree are usually sun-dried, meaning they're all brown and crispy. I got some leaves from the branches (still alive) about a month ago, they have dried, but are not totally brown as I did not lay them out in the sun. Is it safe to use them?
I would think it wont make a difference as long as it is dry. Sun drying them just makes them dry up faster. If they are brown and stiff/brittle, that should be fine.
Hi does anyone know where i can get some indian almond leaves ? Would like some for my tanks but dont know where to get them.
FighterFishy said:
Hi does anyone know where i can get some indian almond leaves ? Would like some for my tanks but dont know where to get them.
When you pick of the tree, find the already dried ones, or pick them off the ground, its safe if you wash it. You lucky to have a free source of indian almond.
FighterFishy said:
Hi does anyone know where i can get some indian almond leaves ? Would like some for my tanks but dont know where to get them. or other betta websites. Or you could go to you Local Thai supermarket or fish store... if you live around a thai area. If your in the Southern California region, i know of a place.
FighterFishy said:
Hi does anyone know where i can get some indian almond leaves ? Would like some for my tanks but dont know where to get them.
You can find them on Aquabid as well. I just recently bought some from

Thanks, everyone. Lucky for me, I get them free as I live in SE Asia.

It seems to me, though, that the leaves that weren't sundried leak less of that brownish color into the water...
Ral, they call them "talisay", or I think "ketapang" leaves. Got lots of them around. Just a little embarassing or at least makes me a little self-conscious :*) to be caught picking them up in public, LOL
It is better to pick the totally brown colors that fall off from the tree then plug the green leaves and dried them up. :D

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