For Variety


Fish Addict
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
"Why Utah?!"
It’s been recommended to reduce the occurrence of constipation and swim bladder disease, that you should skip a feeding one-day a week. Well, I was gone so they got a two-day skip. For a little variety I fed them all the inside of a pea (as was recommended by a breeder’s site I visited) I cut up a little with my nail. I thoroughly enjoyed watching the different reactions to the pea. My crowntail, Lucifer, was the most amusing. He swam around with the pea in his mouth and shook his body to rip off little pieces. Once he just sat there for a half a minute with it in his mouth. ^^
I put a couple in a cup of water ad microwave for 2 minutes, or until the water boils. Shell it and give each fish half of the pea...and remove any uneaten 5-6 minutes afterwards. If they shake it up too bad, I clean the water with a net best I can.

**edit** I should have mentioned that I use frozen pea's lol, can't beat $.88 for a big ole bag...will last a fishes lifetime imo lol. I seperate them out in snack size sandwich baggies, fo easy access.

Sorrell...I have heard several mention that..I just always forget to look for one when I go to the store...hopefully I will remember to write it down this time lol. :fun:
Just don't use canned peas because of the sodium content. SRC-get yourself a turkey baster, it's a betta keepers best friend :thumbs:
Yeah, just use forzen peas and thaw them out before feeding it. Remove the outside of the pea and give them half of the inside. It doesn't cloud the water as far as I've noticed. SRC said it all.

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