Feeding Only Bloodworms

No. It's best to vary the diet as much as you can and offer as much live and frozen as you are able to. Freeze dried is basically cardboard :sick:

Sorrell said:
No. It's best to vary the diet as much as you can and offer as much live and frozen as you are able to. Freeze dried is basically cardboard :sick:

on my FDbloodworms tube it says "great source of roughage"... Does that mean its cardboard? LOL. I feed my bettas mostly FD bloodworms too with an occasional fruitfly, do you think I need to add pellets for vitamins?
Freeze dried rips up their insides and can carry parasites and all sorts of junk. Get them off it entirely. My guys get pellets daily as well as frozen and live.

The two most important things in fishkeeping are water quality and diet. If you do well with these your fish will be strong to resist disease, be more active, and live longer.
Yeah, freeze dried is no good. I'd recommend a diet of pellets, with frozen or live foods on occasion.
yes a varied diet, feeding only bloodworms is bad to much protein.

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