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  1. M

    20 Gallon Suggestions

    i'd add an african dwarf frog to that too. a tank with this set up would obviously need to have a lot of cover. the ram might go after the corys but if the tank is well planted i think they'd be alright. but even if you take the ram out and add some tetras and shrimp i think it'd still look...
  2. M

    Hobby Enjoyment.

    i love it personally, my only problem is i only have one tank... so i lose interest in my fish to some degree pretty quickly. When i get new fish i'm always really fascinated by the whole deal for a week or two but once that feeling goes away i always want to try something new. i'm think im...
  3. M

    20 Gallon Suggestions

    if its a 20 gallon long you could try this. bolivian ram dwarf gourami 6 cardinal tetras 5 kuhli loaches 4 corys 6 ghost shrimp mystery snail
  4. M

    Will A Kribensis Kill Ghost Shrimp?

    yeah, i just read that. i don't know the evidence out there to support that claim but i'll take the word of those in the know. i mean, they're cichlids, they arent schooling fish, so i don't see why they'd need companionship any more than other cichlids but maybe i'm just ignorant.
  5. M

    Will A Kribensis Kill Ghost Shrimp?

    im thinkin of putting a single kribensis in a 20 gallon long community tank. i've read conflicting arguments when it comes to keeping them with ghost shrimp and a dwarf gourami. anyone have any thoughts? tank is well planted and well sheltered.
  6. M

    20 Gallon Long Stockin Idea

    well in my experience corys only show stress when kept singly. as long as they have at least a partner they just take comfort in knowing they arent alone. as for kuhli loaches, i havent kept them before but i have a well sheltered aquarium and im confident that they'll be comfortable with just...
  7. M

    20 Gallon Long Stockin Idea

    3 sponge filters the size of the one to the right in the pic. the other two are hidden at the bottom of the tank. according to aqadvisor my tank is more stocked now than in my list and my levels stay pretty consistent so i dont think filtration will be a problem.
  8. M

    20 Gallon Long Stockin Idea

    1 bolivian ram 1 kribensis 1 dwarf gourami 6 zebra danio 4 khuli loaches 1 african dwarf frog 3 bronze corys 8 ghost shrimp 2 mystery snails...
  9. M

    Outrageously Overpopulated Fish Bowl

    the dominant angel in the bowl was pickin on the other 2 so my father took 2 of them back to the pet store. theres still 1 in the bowl though. Trust me people, ive argued the facts with him, and he just waves them off. He thought i was insane when i tested my water. lol he literally laughed...
  10. M

    Outrageously Overpopulated Fish Bowl

    yeah, i tried this too. he was actually, and still is, trying to convince me to get angelfish for my community tank. I explained to him that I have a 20 gallon long and angelfish need a tall tank. His response to this and pretty much all the fish facts i present him is "thats just ideal...
  11. M

    Outrageously Overpopulated Fish Bowl

    this might surprise you but he actually claims to an expert. years ago he was really into the hobby and he has read what he describes as "many" fish books. its my father actually, he's the guy that originally inspired me to get into fish... but i've actually done some research on the topic...
  12. M

    Upside Down Catfish Eating A Dead Betta?

    thanks for the input, but trust me, you're not telling me anything i don't know. this is my fathers bowl, and everything you're telling me, I have already told him more than once. just a stubborn self-claimed expert he is.
  13. M

    Outrageously Overpopulated Fish Bowl

    this is not my work, im not going to go into detail but just know that ive explained thoroughly that this idea is insane and will never work. anyway, the 2 and a half gallon fish bowl has 3 angelfish 2 white mountain cloud minnows and 1 upside down catfish :no: :blink: the bowl is...
  14. M

    Tank Mate For Male Betta

    just my personal stockin idea... 1 betta 3 corydoras' 6 ghost shrimp 2 african dwarf frogs 1 mystery snail by the way, bettas really arent good community fish at all... they're pretty limited in terms of tankmates.
  15. M

    20 Gal Stocking Question

    im in the US and no pet stores around me ever have bolivian rams which is a bummer... so if you can't find them a dwarf gourami would be a cool centerpiece. or the blue type...
  16. M

    39 Gallon Stocking Ideas?

    a pair of bolivian rams would be cool. i guess its just an opinion but i think they're nicer lookin than kribs.
  17. M

    Upside Down Catfish Eating A Dead Betta?

    My father has a 2 and a half gallon fish bowl with 1 betta, 2 white mountain cloud minnows, and 1 upside down catfish. I know this setup is ridiculous but he's claims that he's a fish expert and nothing will convince him otherwise... but thats besides the point. the betta has disappeared...
  18. M

    Partially Changing Gravel

    i want to take out the gravel on my foreground and replace it with smaller gravel for my dojo loach... is there a good way to do this?
  19. M

    Fish For A 5 Gallon Hex

    sparkling gourami an african dwarf frog and 3 or 4 ghost shrimp thatd look nice, just get some hidin spots to make the frog and shrimp comfortable.
  20. M

    Fg8 Puffers

    ben harper? i know you got the money, you should treat yourself to somethin bigger than 60 litres :D
  21. M

    What Do You Think Of This Stocking?

    20 gallon long... thats 30 inches x 12 x 12 2 bolivian rams 1 dwarf gourami 1 golden dojo loach 6 lemon tetras 6 zebra danios 2 african dwarf frogs 3 bronze corys 2 mystery snails 5 ghost shrimp very well planted tank along with nice shelter... heated to about 73-74 degrees f, well...
  22. M

    100 Usg Stocking.

    haha i think the x's are unnecessary :shifty:
  23. M

    Need Stocking Idea

    thanks people, i have been considerin the blue acara. I want to minimize the possibility of bullying though. Do you think if I took out one of the firemouths and had two blue acaras it would work? i've never liked severums much by the way, i appreciate the input though.
  24. M

    Need Stocking Idea

    Just ponderin my dream tank. 120 gallon 1 oscar 2 firemouths 12 giant danios (as dithers) and....... I'm thinkin one more cichlid. At first I was thinkin a single Jack Dempsey but, from what ive read, they tend to be a little less social like the firemouths. So any ideas? Any new...
  25. M

    Swimming At Bottom Of Tank?

    i had the same problem with my pristella tetras... really frustrating actually. I thought if i bought more they might calm down so i ended up with 12 of them and very little improvement. Recently though I added six zebra danios (which are very active, fearless, top dwelling fish... literally...
  26. M

    Centrepiece Fish

    i'd go with just a male gourami. if you get a pair the female might end up living a life of fear and hiding.
  27. M

    My Tank

    very nice sir
  28. M

    Shockingly Aggressive Dojo Loach

    i just witnessed one of my two golden dojo loaches viciously chasing and attacking one of my dwarf frogs. it was pretty disturbing actually. at one point he had the frogs foot in his mouth. i thought maybe it was just a crazy one time occurrence but soon after he was chasing the frog and...
  29. M

    Are Jack Dempseys As Aggressive As Their Reputation?

    I've heard recently that jack dempseys aren't as aggressive as people make them out to be. how do they rate on the aggressive scale?
  30. M

    Need Stockin Advice Plzz

    there are some helpful people on this site... but time and time again im surprised at how condescending some are.
  31. M

    What Do You Think Of My Stocking In My Big Tank

    nice. i'd stick to 6 silver dollars though. i hear they get huge with enough swimmin room. they'll probably look like piranhas :sly:
  32. M

    Spare Tank..what To Do With It...

    how bout this? 2 angelfish 1 ram 1 paradise fish 6 rainbowfish 2 dojo loaches and 10 shrimp (the shrimp might get eaten but its worth the risk because theyre insanely cheap) the angels and ram are cichlids too if thats what you're lookin for. :thumbs:
  33. M

    What Fish For A 10gal Tank For Freshwater Shrimp?

    white mountain clouds are extremely cheap, very active, and very hardy
  34. M

    Spare Tank..what To Do With It...

    1 bolivian ram 1 male dwarf gourami 2 dojo loaches 3 african dwarf frogs 12 tetras 6 corys and about 10 shrimp that would be awesome.
  35. M

    What Is The Dimmest Light I Can Get

    I've had the tetras for about 6 months now. theres 10 of them and plenty of shelter with quality water levels... but they just hang out near the bottom looking scared. its pretty annoying. I'll look into the blue LEDs but it sounds expensive. thanks :good:
  36. M

    What Is The Dimmest Light I Can Get

    I have these tetras that generally stay at the bottom of the tank until night when the lights are out. I'm thinkin a dimmer light would encourage them to be less timid. Its a 20 gallon long tank with lots of plants, but they're all low maintenance (ferns, swords, wisteria).. I'm not sure what...
  37. M

    Its Here My 566 Gallon 9Ftx3Ftx3Ft Tank

    your parents? dam dude how old are you? and how the hell did you convince your parents to be alright with that? good luck by the way.
  38. M

    Want Some Cichlids

    :shifty: i dont see your stock list... but i've been thinkin about gettin some rams myself. from what i've read rams can be a little tough to keep. i hear bolivian rams are much hardier than blue rams. maybe you should go in that direction. good luck
  39. M

    Thoughts On My Stockin Idea

    thanks people. soon after i posted I realized that the frogs wouldnt work. for many reasons actually. Sean W kinda threw me off though... is 12 corys a crazy idea? I read that they school in 100s in the wild so i figured the more the merrier. i dunno.
  40. M

    Thoughts On My Stockin Idea

    Im not sure what the dimensions of the tank would be because i dont have it yet. i think id get the most common american size, whatever that might be. this is what i have in mind 2 angelfish 1 bolivian ram 4 dojo loaches 12 large tetras or some other similar sized schoolin fish 12 corys...