Thoughts On My Stockin Idea


Apr 6, 2009
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Im not sure what the dimensions of the tank would be because i dont have it yet. i think id get the most common american size, whatever that might be.

this is what i have in mind

2 angelfish

1 bolivian ram

4 dojo loaches

12 large tetras or some other similar sized schoolin fish

12 corys

3 african dwarf frogs

I plan to get plenty of hiding spots and that type of thing. any thoughts on the compatibility? would that be overstocked with excellent filtration?
I could see a possible problems with making sure the frogs get enough food...
Agree with ninjasmurf, one of the main problems with keeping frogs is that they find it very difficult to get any food when they are kept in a tank full of fish. You would probably have to hand feed the frogs using a turkey baster or something similar.

Angels need a tank at least 18" tall.

You should be looking at a tank around 55 gal minimum for your stocking ideas.

12 cories, 4 loaches and the frogs is way too many bottom dwellers. I'd drop the frogs for sure.
thanks people. soon after i posted I realized that the frogs wouldnt work. for many reasons actually. Sean W kinda threw me off though... is 12 corys a crazy idea? I read that they school in 100s in the wild so i figured the more the merrier. i dunno.
Looks good from what i can see, provided your angels don's pair up and spawn. They can get pretty nasty when they do.
The cory's should enjoy the larger number, provided you give them proper substrate and food and shelter. They could be a Great addition to your tank.

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