20 Gal Stocking Question


Fish Crazy
Nov 28, 2009
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i have a 20 gallon tank with 5 platties, 2 glofish and 3 mystery snails. is there anything esle that can work in my tank? preferably a centerpiece type fish?
2 bolivian rams, although i think with you current fish count you can accommodate even 4.

why do you need so many platties? why do you need any platties? i realy dislike that fish, i don't see what people see in them. they are weird shaped yet plain looking, and quite aggressive.
2 bolivian rams, although i think with you current fish count you can accommodate even 4.

why do you need so many platties? why do you need any platties? i realy dislike that fish, i don't see what people see in them. they are weird shaped yet plain looking, and quite aggressive.

1 Pair of dwarf cichlids per 20 gallons, and as for the platies, I personally like them, it's all a matter of opinion.
i personally enjoy my platties, i find them to be quite pretty and interseting!
as for the rams and the chichlids do i need to get a male and a female or two of same gender?also are they easy to find in the US?
2 bolivian rams, although i think with you current fish count you can accommodate even 4.

why do you need so many platties? why do you need any platties? i realy dislike that fish, i don't see what people see in them. they are weird shaped yet plain looking, and quite aggressive.

Agressive? Please elaberate. Because I am looking into them.
mine arent agressive, i spend alot of time watching them and the only agresion ive seen are between my two males when all the girlies are pregnant.
mine arent agressive, i spend alot of time watching them and the only agresion ive seen are between my two males when all the girlies are pregnant.

Agression between two males would be common. But I have read about them before, and never heard of any agression between A harem.
2 bolivian rams, although i think with you current fish count you can accommodate even 4.

why do you need so many platties? why do you need any platties? i realy dislike that fish, i don't see what people see in them. they are weird shaped yet plain looking, and quite aggressive.

Agressive? Please elaberate. Because I am looking into them.

much like most live-bearers they are a horny fish. and horny usually means aggressive, just like in the human world.
2 bolivian rams, although i think with you current fish count you can accommodate even 4.

why do you need so many platties? why do you need any platties? i realy dislike that fish, i don't see what people see in them. they are weird shaped yet plain looking, and quite aggressive.

Agressive? Please elaberate. Because I am looking into them.

much like most live-bearers they are a horny fish. and horny usually means aggressive, just like in the human world.

I think you misunderstood what you read. "Horny" means sexually arroused. :lol:
i have a 20 gallon tank with 5 platties, 2 glofish and 3 mystery snails. is there anything esle that can work in my tank? preferably a centerpiece type fish?

im in the US and no pet stores around me ever have bolivian rams which is a bummer... so if you can't find them a dwarf gourami would be a cool centerpiece.


or the blue type..


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