Need Stocking Idea


Apr 6, 2009
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Just ponderin my dream tank. 120 gallon

1 oscar

2 firemouths

12 giant danios (as dithers)


I'm thinkin one more cichlid. At first I was thinkin a single Jack Dempsey but, from what ive read, they tend to be a little less social like the firemouths. So any ideas? Any new world cichlid with purple or blue coloring that isn't going to shy away from the open waters is what im lookin for. thanks.
thanks people, i have been considerin the blue acara. I want to minimize the possibility of bullying though. Do you think if I took out one of the firemouths and had two blue acaras it would work?

i've never liked severums much by the way, i appreciate the input though.
how about festivum?

the males from 2 or 3 species are supposed to get colour like sabanlistic's festivum has
I think you have quite a bit of room for more than just the fish on your list. Though admitedly it does depend on your oscars temperament. Just thinking if you do the FMs and the O how about some more central American cichlids? Like Ellioti or Aures (sp)or any of the Herichthys or Thorichtys groups I think.

Or an other idea though not sure how they mix with Oscars but you might like them, chocolate cichlids personally I like these more than oscars but Im not a bit oscar fan.

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