20 Gallon Suggestions


New Member
Jan 12, 2010
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In the next month my 20 gallon tank is going to be getting freed up as the cycle on my 55 gallon will be complete. Anybody want to suggest any ideas on what to stock it with?
In the next month my 20 gallon tank is going to be getting freed up as the cycle on my 55 gallon will be complete. Anybody want to suggest any ideas on what to stock it with?
Maybe some Panda Cories and neon tetras? they are my personal favorites.
In the next month my 20 gallon tank is going to be getting freed up as the cycle on my 55 gallon will be complete. Anybody want to suggest any ideas on what to stock it with?

if its a 20 gallon long you could try this.

bolivian ram
dwarf gourami
6 cardinal tetras
5 kuhli loaches
4 corys
6 ghost shrimp
mystery snail
I have a 20 gallon currently with 6 Serpae tetra's. Unfortunately I learned about the fishless cycling after I set my tank up with the fish. When it cycles completely I plan to add 6 Tiger Barbs.

I have a bit of live plants in there and I have to say the colors on the Serpae's look stunning against the dark green plants. They are wonderful fish to watch and are always quite playful. I have seen a lot of other tetra's that have wonderful colors and would look great in groups of at least 6. You could try a tiny community tank of tetra's and barbs.
In the next month my 20 gallon tank is going to be getting freed up as the cycle on my 55 gallon will be complete. Anybody want to suggest any ideas on what to stock it with?

if its a 20 gallon long you could try this.

bolivian ram
dwarf gourami
6 cardinal tetras
5 kuhli loaches
4 corys
6 ghost shrimp
mystery snail
wow thanks that actually sounds really neat
A pair of dwarf cichlids would work with maybe a shoal of tetras and some corys as a cleen up crew...
I wouldn't keep cories with any kind of cichlid since most cichlids tend to be aggressive towards cories, for some reason. I'm only repeating information that i've heard, so you may have a different experience. Good luck though! :)
I wouldn't keep cories with any kind of cichlid since most cichlids tend to be aggressive towards cories, for some reason. I'm only repeating information that i've heard, so you may have a different experience. Good luck though! :)

It's because cichlids are territorial bottom dwellers. When they see a corry swimming in their space, they attack it.
not to mention that cories need just 1 more fish just to be safe.

let me elaborate on mine alittle more

pair of kribs for the bottom, hatchets for the top

tetras and a gourami for the center.
In the next month my 20 gallon tank is going to be getting freed up as the cycle on my 55 gallon will be complete. Anybody want to suggest any ideas on what to stock it with?

if its a 20 gallon long you could try this.

bolivian ram
dwarf gourami
6 cardinal tetras
5 kuhli loaches
4 corys
6 ghost shrimp
mystery snail
wow thanks that actually sounds really neat

i'd add an african dwarf frog to that too. a tank with this set up would obviously need to have a lot of cover. the ram might go after the corys but if the tank is well planted i think they'd be alright.

but even if you take the ram out and add some tetras and shrimp i think it'd still look awesome

dwarf gourami
10 cardinal tetras
5 kuhli loaches
4 corys
african dwarf frog
9 ghost shrimp

^^ nice. B-)
I wouldn't keep cories with any kind of cichlid since most cichlids tend to be aggressive towards cories, for some reason. I'm only repeating information that i've heard, so you may have a different experience. Good luck though! :)

I have only read a few accounts of where people have problems with their dwarf cichlids and corys. And most of the time, the cichlid would chase it off instead of attacking it.

Anyways, most of the problems that occur between dwarf cichlids and corys is during breeding. During breeding is when you would start to see agression towards the corys. For the most part, they should be okay.
and there is only one ram so there will be no breeding, so there is a low chance of aggresion still but its worth trying

dont get the frog, it just seems a little too random and if the ram you get is aggresive it will be the first target.

bolivian ram
dwarf gourami
6 cardinal tetras
5 kuhli loaches
5 corys
8 ghost shrimp
mystery snail

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