Outrageously Overpopulated Fish Bowl

I say every few days take a fish out Tell him it died or it jumped out and you flushed it. and bring to the store or just get your dad a real tank a 20 gal would be better the 2 gal.

That's really sad. Just seeing how big those fish get should help him under stand it will not work. P
In the meantime, why not do sneaky water changes whenever he's not around. Should kep those epoor fish alive longer, till you can find a book/factsheet on angels to show him as others suggested.Also like th eidea of sneakily rehoming a few fish and pretending they died
Keep a secret diary of water changes to show him later if he says "look they are still OK after 3 months"
yeah had the same trouble with my dad earlier, but we came to an aggreement.

parents are really hard to best, especially if they think they know it all.

are the angels still small? if they are it would be easy to sneak one out at a time since the tank is planted you could say its hiding.

honestly go to the net and print out as much stuff about angel fish as possible and put them aorund the house where ever your dad is most active, or find a fish magazine with the topic and buy it for him.
the dominant angel in the bowl was pickin on the other 2 so my father took 2 of them back to the pet store. theres still 1 in the bowl though. Trust me people, ive argued the facts with him, and he just waves them off. He thought i was insane when i tested my water. lol he literally laughed, he thought it was crazy. He's just an old-time stubborn hobbyist. He's constantly adoring his bowl, claiming how happy his fish are and i just disagree and argue. Its a really stupid argument at this point though, so i'm just going to agree to disagree. he says stuff like "i can't believe you have the audacity to think you know more than me" hahaha its ridiculous. I ask him to show me just one knowledgeable person in the world that agrees with his views on fish.

someone suggested doing water changes while he's not around. no way. i have enough to do with my tanks, i hope his fish die as soon as possible so i don't have to look at that #41#### bowl.

I realize you guys are concerned, but back to my original question that very few are answering... Without water changes, how long do you think these fish, particularly the angel will live?
Not a single one of us can answer that question without guessing so why not take a guess.
In answer to your origional question, I would have to say not long at all. I really have no idea in days exactly how long, but giving a guess I'd say maybe a week, 2 max, and that is if they are really lucky.
you should set up a poll so we can vote IMO

feel sorry for the last angel, if he survives hell be horribly disfigured and die young.

as for the other fish, if the angel and catfish dies first and the tank is cycled, im confident those minnows would be ok in there.
yeah, i tried this too. he was actually, and still is, trying to convince me to get angelfish for my community tank. I explained to him that I have a 20 gallon long and angelfish need a tall tank.

Hi MrNiceGuy :)

A reasonable upgrade for a 20 gallon long (30" x 12" x 12") tank is a 29 gallon tank. They fit in the same space but the 29 gallon measures 30" x 12" x 18". The difference in size is just that it's taller and it's a very attractive tank.

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