20 Gallon Long Stockin Idea


Apr 6, 2009
Reaction score
1 bolivian ram
1 kribensis
1 dwarf gourami
6 zebra danio
4 khuli loaches
1 african dwarf frog
3 bronze corys
8 ghost shrimp
2 mystery snails

aqadvisor tells me thats exactly 100% stocked. i have a great amount of hiding spots in the tank, pretty well planted and sheltered. heres a picture...

pretty bad picture quality, but it was the best i could do.

so my only question is about the krib. will it cause problems with the dwarf gourami or ghost shrimp? I hear he might but i was thinkin if there was only one he might be less aggressive.

if that doesnt work i'll add some tall plants and sub the krib for another dwarf gourami, probably a blue one. what do you think?
just out of curiosity, what filter are you using?

I have added 2 Kribs with my Gourami and they really don't bother.
just out of curiosity, what filter are you using?

I have added 2 Kribs with my Gourami and they really don't bother.

3 sponge filters the size of the one to the right in the pic. the other two are hidden at the bottom of the tank. according to aqadvisor my tank is more stocked now than in my list and my levels stay pretty consistent so i dont think filtration will be a problem.
I'd go back onto AQ and re-read it's suggestions about numbers of your fish.
E.g. Khuli and corys.
I'd go back onto AQ and re-read it's suggestions about numbers of your fish.
E.g. Khuli and corys.

well in my experience corys only show stress when kept singly. as long as they have at least a partner they just take comfort in knowing they arent alone. as for kuhli loaches, i havent kept them before but i have a well sheltered aquarium and im confident that they'll be comfortable with just 4... unless someone specifically tells me otherwise.

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