Upside Down Catfish Eating A Dead Betta?


Apr 6, 2009
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My father has a 2 and a half gallon fish bowl with 1 betta, 2 white mountain cloud minnows, and 1 upside down catfish. I know this setup is ridiculous but he's claims that he's a fish expert and nothing will convince him otherwise... but thats besides the point.

the betta has disappeared. for the last couple weeks he was hiding behind the plants but now hes just gone. my dad came to the quick assumption that he was eaten, but i find that a little hard to believe. there aren't any remains at all. a light covers nearly all of the top of the bowl so its nearly impossible that he jumped out. i looked all around the bowl anyway to check and i havent find him.

is it at all possible that the upside down catfish could eat an entire betta before we even realized he died?
have you looked in the substance behind filters and heaters? bettas can jump out the tiniest gaps so i would cheack again. if it did dye then the upside down catfish might of eaten it but i dout it could eat a hole betta in a really need to gett a bigger tank or get rid of the fish. upside down catfish can grow 3" and need to be kept in groups of atleast 3. wcmm need to be kept in groups of 6 and are to active for a 2g and the min tank size for a betta but is 3g but 5g is alot better by the time you add fillter heater substance and plants it will be alot less water.
have you looked in the substance behind filters and heaters? bettas can jump out the tiniest gaps so i would cheack again. if it did dye then the upside down catfish might of eaten it but i dout it could eat a hole betta in a really need to gett a bigger tank or get rid of the fish. upside down catfish can grow 3" and need to be kept in groups of atleast 3. wcmm need to be kept in groups of 6 and are to active for a 2g and the min tank size for a betta but is 3g but 5g is alot better by the time you add fillter heater substance and plants it will be alot less water.

thanks for the input, but trust me, you're not telling me anything i don't know. this is my fathers bowl, and everything you're telling me, I have already told him more than once. just a stubborn self-claimed expert he is.

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