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  1. R

    Question Changed: Why Buy A Cannister?

    I use a Tetratec EX700, which is quiet as a mouse and very good. My water is crystal clear.
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    Regenerating Carbon Blocks For Co2 Generators

    Hi All, A friend of mine purchased an Electrolysis unit for his tank to produce CO2, after a disaster with his Pressurised CO2 system went ballistic and killed his entire tank, :( He is wondering if you can recharge the Carbon in these units by putting the block in the oven at a high...
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    Light Reflectors

    Thanks George.
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    Light Reflectors

    Hi All, I have a Fluval Duo Deep 800 tank and for a while now I have noticed that the light does not seem to spread over the whole tank,i.e the corners of the tank do not seem to be as bright as the rest of the tank. Anyway I was wondering if light reflectors would help with this little...
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    Is It Worth The Money

    They are stunning fish. I am hoping to pick a couple up soon for my birthday. Nice present from the Kids. :)
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    What Kind Of Pleco

    Hi There, He looks like a Bristlenose to me. Although I am more than likely wrong. What cool camouflage though! Rich
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    Happy Xmas

    Merry Christmas to everyone and thanks for all the help you have given me this year. Have a great new year too!
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    Favorite Christmas Music And Movies?

    The nightmare before christmas is a brilliant film. I think they are doing a 3D version in America, although I am probably wrong on that. My kids and me love singing 'when santa got stuck up the chimney' Richadr
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    Mollie Breeding Tips

    I think that Mollies are brackish fish and so ideally would need some salt in the water for the optimum conditions for them but as Larry said I dont have salt in my tank and mine are breeding all the time.
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    Golden Apple Snails Shell Disintegrating?

    Hi, It sounds to me like you dont have enough calcium in the water to sustain his shell strength and that is why his shell is rotting away. I have the same problem and I have to dose my tank with Liquid Calcium. I got mine from Ebay and a Calcium test kit as well to make sure I wasnt...
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    Java Fern Questions

    Hi All, Although my first picture doesn't show it the java fern is attached to a piece of bogwood. I managed to get all the babies off. I took the whole piece of bogwood out of the water and then gently rubbed my finger up the underside of the leaves where the babies were and they gently...
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    Java Fern Questions

    Thanks for your help Mate.
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    Java Fern Questions

    Thanks for the reply. I will give them another Tug. What did you do with plantlets? Richard
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    Java Fern Questions

    Hi All, Please have a look at the following photo's and can anyone suggest what I can do with this Java Fern. It started off as a normal Java and then over the course of the last couple of months I began to notice that the little nodules on the underside of the leaves were starting to root. I...
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    Under Substrate Heating Cables

    Hi, Your tank looks fantastic. Rich
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    Java Fern

    Hi, Thanks for the reply. Do you mean when the reach a couple of inches or so or smaller/bigger? Rich
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    Java Fern

    Hi All, My Java Fern has these little nodule's on the underside of the leaves that have started to grow roots. Some of these nodules that have grown roots have also sprouted new leaves. I take it that this is the start of a new plant forming. How do I cut them off to replant them? Thanks, Rich
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    Glass Angels

    Hi All, I went into a LFS today and saw some glass angels. I have not seen these before and was quite surprised by them. The two that I saw had very bright orange, almost flourescent orange, streaks of colour running through them. However the third Angel had the orange stripe at the bottom...
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    My Tank.opinions Wanted!

    Hi, What the hell is that in the second picture, I have never seen anything like that? -_- Rich
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    £1.50 Diy Moonlight

    Sorry I just didnt want the power supply going wrong for you. :D
  21. R

    £1.50 Diy Moonlight

    Hi, I dont mean to be a bore but do you know how much current those L.E.D's are pulling. I only ask because the power supply is only rated at 400mA. If you exceed that current for too long then you risk burning the supply out. It does look good though :good: Rich
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    How Many ?

    Hi All, Over the course of the last three months my Male Black mollie and my silver female have had over 60 fry. The latest batch of 40 are now in the nursery tank. She had the last batch over the course of two hours, it was pretty cool to watch and lucky I guess. Rich
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    Co2 Recipes

    Thanks Mate, took a bit of time to read but well worth it. Rich
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    Co2 Recipes

    Hi All, I have heard it mentioned on here about several recipes for CO2 systems that use the Yeast and Sugar method. Can anyone point me in the right direction please. Thanks, Rich
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    Scwartzi Cory In The Moonlight

    HI, I have 4 at the moment, but I would like to get some more as they are great to watch. I was thinking of getting a few Albino corys too as I love those, but cant seem to find any anywhere at the moment. Rich
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    Scwartzi Cory In The Moonlight

    Hi All, This is a pic of one of my Scwartzi Corys just after the main tank had switched over to its moonlights. I am impressed with this pic as it is one of the only photos I have taken that is actualy in focus. Hope you like, Rich
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    Giant Gourami

    sorry wrong section, my mistake.
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    Dyed Fish

    Hi All, Just had a trip to a LFS and for the first time ever I have seen dyed fish. The fish in question were danios that were dyed bright Pink. The poor things looked awful, really small and not very happy at all. I was quite surprised to see them in this place. I was debating whether or...
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    Hagen Co2 Kit

    Hi All, I insrtalled the Hagen CO2 kit in my tank on the on the 5th of this month. Within a couple of hours it was giving me bubbles, which I was pleased after reading some of the posts about people not getting any bubbles. After a day or two the bubbles the were streaming through at one...
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    L.e.d Hood Lights

    Hi, I dont mean to put a dampener on your idea but you will have to add a dropper resistor in line with the L.E.D's or they wil burn out. You will need to work the value based on your Power supply voltage and the number of L.E.D's you have. You will also need to know what the forward voltage...
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    Algae Troubles, Please Go To Last Few Posts.

    Hi, Those plants look really healthy. I hope all goes O.K. Rich
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    Little Babies+pics

    Hi, Congrats on the babies. Godd Luck. Rich
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    Damm You Tetra External Filters

    Hi, Sorry to hear about your problem. I have had problems priming mine before but apart from that it works fine. I hope you get it sorted. Rich
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    My New Swordie!

    Hi, Nice Fish. Rich
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    Free Aquacube ?!

    Hi All, I think that was really nice of the Practical Fishkeeping editor to post on here letting people know what is going on with regards to the new subscription offer. Well done Stuart! Rich
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    Sera Co2 Starter Kit

    Hi, A friend recently bought the kit and I have to say we were not impressed. As mentioned in the above podt the tablet fizzes away within seconds to fill up a chamber. The instructions say to put a tablet in every 2 -3 days I think it was, dependant on how many plants you have in the tank...
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    Riccia Fluitans

    Hi Neal, I have been trying to contact you about the Riccia but not getting any response, I emailed you on your gmail account. My address is r****** Could you let me know if you have recieved anything please. Thanks, Rich
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    Thanks Shaz. Lets hope so. I will get some to you one day, :D Rich
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    Hi All, I am sorry to have to say but, none of the eggs have hatched, I dont think they were fertilised. I went to carry out some maintenance on the tank that they are in and noticed that the clusters did not look too good and there was a strange smell, not really bad but noticeable. Anyway I...
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    Riccia Fluitans

    Hi Neal, I think there must be a problem because I Pm'ed you too and got a reply from someone called Neal who joined the forum on the 24th September. If the offer of the Riccia is open to anyone else I would like to purchase some from you . Rich