Damm You Tetra External Filters


Fish Crazy
Aug 18, 2006
Reaction score
wiltshire england
well tonight i was just finishing filling my marine tank when priming my filter it was harder then it should be so i sucked up the water to make life easy. and as the filter was filling i heard an unusual noise there is a fault with my filter no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am really miffed as my tank will not be maturing when i am gone (i hate you tetra you were once so good to me). so this gap in the o-ring explain why it was so hard to prime
just thought i would share my great day..
You must have got the bad one of the bunch. Never had a problem with mine and I have only heard good things about the Tetratec external filters. Still sorry to hear that you tank has suffered a set back.

Sorry to hear about your problem. I have had problems priming mine before but apart from that it works fine. I hope you get it sorted.

I'm just wondering as to why you are running an external cannister on a marine set up.
you do realise that you will never have zero NO3 with a cannister don't you?
Which o-ring did you have problems with? I have a tetratec and would like to know how yours failed incase mine has a simlar fault.

I did get some spare o-rings with mine though, can you not use one of those?

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