Is It Worth The Money


Jan 2, 2006
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Israel baby
well you know how they allways keep blue rams together in a small 10 gallon in stores

well today i stoped by my lfs and i fell in love with a small ram

his coloration was amazing but he was bitten all over bc of other rams

if i get him will his fins cure and recover fully?

cuz if he will recover fully

i would defffntly get him

what do you say?

ive had tetras that have been bitten up that recovered fully and i was wondering if rams would do the same
In my experience fish tend to heal and recover from minor fin damage and sores quickly. I have never had a fish with major damage so if it is really beat up I wouldn't know.
in then end i did get him and hes now feeling unstressed in his new home

i have dosed the tank with melafix so that should fix his fins

hes looking better already and even more colorfull then when i bought him! :)
in then end i did get him and hes now feeling unstressed in his new home

i have dosed the tank with melafix so that should fix his fins

hes looking better already and even more colorfull then when i bought him! :)
Thats cool :good: Always rooting 4 the underdog 8)
well just so you know my little ram is amazing and fully cured and stress free

im happy i made the right choise

They are stunning fish. I am hoping to pick a couple up soon for my birthday. Nice present from the Kids. :)
did his fins grow back? because from my experience, if enough of the fin is gone, it will heal and grow a little but its sorta like losing a finger... it's just gone
I have had a cherry barb which lost its whole tail fin to another fish, right down to the 'stump'. Within a few weeks the whole fin had grown back exactly to how it was before.

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