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  1. M

    Simple Electrical Question

    yep dont worry about the earth on something like that, you can tell if they are earthed because there will be 3 wires inside the insulated wire and not just 2, i agree with the above though, a plug is like 50p, just chop off the old one and wire on the new one!
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    Compatibility Question

    there isnt really any scientific answer to prove you cant live your life in the space equivalent to inside a car walking around in circles for excersise yet we all know this is far from ideal no scientist has bothered prove any such thing i dont think (that i know of) because of the common...
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    Airpump Recomendation ?

    the bi-orb ones are the quietest ones ive heard but i dont think they have alot of power
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    My End Cap Just Fell In The Tank!

    drop it in a bag of rice! the rice draws all of the water out, also WD40 works well on car electrics which suffer from damp problems so could try a quick spray of that put dont get it anywhere near the tank water :P
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    Do I Have Room For More?

    by golden loach do you mean a golden zebra? if so id up that by a couple as they go better in small groups, id say you could probably do that and add some guppies ok however you may get some cross breeding between the mollies platies and guppies....
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    Knifefish - Few Questions.

    i have a single ghost knife in my 110 liter at the moment (will be upgrading to a similar tank to you when he outgrows it) from the research i did i found its unwise to keep 2 together but 3 or more or just the one, personally i would go for the single one to save any risk of aggression to each...
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    Video My Community Tank With Ghost Knife Fish, Tiger Barbs And Rainbow Shark

    upgrading to a muchhh larger tank once they outgrow this!
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    Video Juwel 125 Rio

    looks nice! i like how youve planted it!
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    Just Completed My Stock...what Do You Think?

    Siamese fighter fish are generally no problem with other fish at all however you may get the odd one every now and again which is aggressive, ive seen even mollies who are bullies and kill every other molly in the tank! generally though they should be fine however your at the top end of your...
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    Just Completed My Stock...what Do You Think?

    youd be better upgrading your neons to 6 and your corys to 6, not sure if youd be over stocked though once they all reach full size if you did
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    Fave Fish

    panda corys are probably the weakest cory you can get! try some peppered or bronze ones or something :)
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    Fave Fish

    my ghost knife fish :devil:
  13. M

    Opinios On What To Do With My Two Small (40 Liter) Tanks

    im taking my two small tanks to uni with me when i go back in september (one is 30 liter quite tall tank and one is a 40 liter more longish tank) i have heaters filters etc for both so thats no issue however.... the 30 liter is going in our living room i think with some tetras to look nice but...
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    Pond Snails

    if their ramshorn snails then theyll probably max out at about an inch, their fine in aquariums and do a great job at cleaning algae! some fish do eat them though, weather loaches ive seen going for them and also ive seen small koi's trying to get their mouth inside the shells! at work we have...
  15. M

    What's Eaiser To Care For: Reptiles Or Fish

    Thanks for expanding my comment however i disagree that tortoises are harder to keep than fish, where i work we sell both tropical fish, coldwater and pond fish and tortoises and i am the one who is given the job of looking after them all which i have done for a fair while and i love doing. The...
  16. M

    Interpet Fin Rot Treatment

    when i use this at work i just take about a liter of water out of the tank after doing a water change and getting the water back up to temperature then mix the treatment with that and always works fine
  17. M

    Do Garden Centres Sell Aquarium Safe Wood?

    i work in quite a large garden center and we definitely dont do anything specifically for that but might be able to get something from one of our suppliers, how large you looking for?
  18. M

    Pics Of Mollies - Are They Normal?

    looks like fin rot to me, they dont look healthy anyway! here is a nice healthy one also they look quite fat, they should go without food for 3 days or so and then you need to half the food you are giving them and see how they do...
  19. M

    Water Too Acidic, Angel Jerking Mouth

    the snail shells might be the source of your problem because id guess they would release calcium and other minerals into the water when they degrade but the first thing you need to do is test your tap water. make sure you stand the tap water for 24 hours before you test it otherwise it will give...
  20. M

    Med Dosing And Water Changes Help

    i would do a full dose followed by a 50% water change after 24 hours i would then change a further 50% after another 24 hours and add a half dose straight after. repeat doing that for 5-6 days then go back to doing 10-15% water changes daily and add no more medicine thats just what i would do...
  21. M

    Iced My Fish :-(

    would boiling water not be quicker than ice water? thats how lobsters are killed isnt it...
  22. M

    New 95 Litre Tropical Tank Help!

    if you like corydoras have a look at panda corys they are my fave type by far! i have 6 in my tank corys are best in groups of 5 or 6 at least so go for at least 5 and they will be much happier! dont add any more fish for a few weeks though, you might be tempted but until your bacteria gets...
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    Net And Equipment Steralisation

    i agree, well today i took 8 nets out of stock without telling him and designated one per tank lol what he doesnt know wont hurt him! goldfish and mollies and stuff will stand a small amount of salt ok but i dont know about the others so i always rinse them under a tap after soaking them in...
  24. M

    What's The Highest Ammonia You Ever Saw?

    i think TPN+ uses ammonium nitrate so it wouldnt be a false reading it would just be adding ammonia to the water but im not 100% on that
  25. M

    What's The Highest Ammonia You Ever Saw?

    6 is too many for one bag, when im selling fish i never put more than 2 fish in the bag unless they are neon tetras or something. It will have been that high because they where in the bag with no filter, they release ammonia through their gills and through their waste so it builds up very quickly!
  26. M

    Cloudy Water

    ahhh right so your currently doing a fish in cycle? is the tank brand new? if so then the bacteria in the aquarium silicon causes a bacterial bloom in most new tanks and its nothing to worry about! new tanks go through cloudy water phases anyway and it will settle down straight away im sure, ok...
  27. M

    How Often Do You Feed Fish?

    little and often is best for the fish but isnt always possible, a very small amount 3 times a day would be great but slightly more just once a day is fine, if you think how they are in the wild they are picking at small amounts all day long... i tend to feed mine morning and night, i put some...
  28. M

    What's The Highest Ammonia You Ever Saw?

    its a good question but nah i doubt anything will give a false reading as the test kits test for ammonia and no other chemical i'd have thought, Generally even a tiny amount of ammonia is highly toxic though so even if a reading od o.50 ppm is given then something clearly isnt right... i think...
  29. M

    Cloudy Water

    im not sure on the ideal PH range of mollies but the last thing you want to be doing is playing around with your PH levels in my opinion so dont add those unless it is a last resort. Mollies are fairly hardy so should stand a wide range of conditions however mollies are also known for not liking...
  30. M

    What's Eaiser To Care For: Reptiles Or Fish

    tortoises are relatively easy to care for however quite expensive to initially buy. They are inexpensive to keep though as they can eat mainly cabbage, dandelion leaves and and other greens while only been fed specific tortoise food every 3-4 days to keep them healthy im no expert on them but...
  31. M

    Net And Equipment Steralisation

    where i work i am in charge of keeping 4 x 70 liter tropical tanks, 2 x 70 liter coldwater tanks and a 250 liter coldwater tank in which we sell fish from (garden center). As you can imagine with most of the fish being turned over on a weekly basis this leaves us prone to disease and infections...
  32. M

    Cloudy Water

    by bottle tests do you mean a liquid test kit with the test tubes and liquid which you add to the water? the liquid tester kits are far more accurate than the strip tests, if you can get an API freshwater test kit (around £30) but they do about 800 tests so will last pretty much forever! Your...
  33. M

    Cloudy Water

    if it's only a bacterial bloom then it shouldnt harm anything no so long as you keep doing water changes as the bacteria will apply an extra load on your filter test your water or if you dont have a test kit take a sample of water to a local fish shop for them to test it, most should test it...
  34. M

    Cloudy Water

    could just be a bacterial bloom, how old is the aquarium and have you added anything new to the aquarium around the same time (ornaments or anything) it could be unrelated to the food spillage, id say change 10% -20% of the water daily or every 2 days and it should clear itself up after maximum...
  35. M

    What Should I Get To Complete My Set Up?

    my mistake haha i misread!
  36. M

    What Should I Get To Complete My Set Up?

    clowns will outgrow your 125 liter so you will need a bogger tank for those, they dont grow huge but they need to be in groups of 3+ at the very least ideally you want 5+ IMO and they need the space because they are such an active fish so if you are upgrading id get a few more clowns. I dont...
  37. M

    Is Superglur Safe In Tanks?

    thats useful to know! i wouldnt like to have tried it unknowingly though
  38. M

    New 95 Litre Tropical Tank Help!

    go for something like 10 neon tetra and 5 or 6 blind cave tetra or rosy tetra or glowlight tetra :)