Iced My Fish :-(

Used clove oil on a dwarf gourami, it had massive fin rot and had survived for a couple of weeks only for an infection to get in and eat away at half its body. it then developed dropsy and i knew i couldnt let the poor girl suffer any more.

caught her easy enough put her in a glass and dosed about 50% water to 60% clove oil it took longer than i would have liked but about a minute tops then she was totally dead.

Reports of still being alive is because people must obviously not dosing enough simples
Used clove oil on a dwarf gourami, it had massive fin rot and had survived for a couple of weeks only for an infection to get in and eat away at half its body. it then developed dropsy and i knew i couldnt let the poor girl suffer any more.

caught her easy enough put her in a glass and dosed about 50% water to 60% clove oil it took longer than i would have liked but about a minute tops then she was totally dead.

Reports of still being alive is because people must obviously not dosing enough simples
Thats what i was saying they look dead but it just knocks them out and paralysis them so for all that they look dead they might not be.
sounds like a waste of clove oil to me. Brick and Bag sounds like the most humane way to do it. The icecube/cold water is interesting in my eyes. I always froze my girlfriends fish after they had "died" to make sure they were. Her freezer is amazing though. The way we prepared it if in the event the fish was still actually alive, was get some ice cubes and a freezer bag, place the ice cubes in the freezer bag and bash them into slush then take some cold water from the fridge and pour it in the bag then place fish in seal and place back in freezer. Her freezer would freeze that water back to solid ice within 2 minutes tops.

I don't think we ever actually froze an alive fish or euthanised a fish that way it was just a "make sure" thing.

If I had to do it again, Brick and Bag would no doubt be my method.
one of my pk bettas, molly, unfortunately suffered from dropsy since yesterday. I thought she was getting better but then this morning she doubled her sized, pine coned major, couldn't close her mouth, barely able to swim.

I couldn't watch her suffer anymore, so decided to put ice in a jug with some cold water and say my goodbyes. I'm a big softy, so it took me a few mins to get the guts up to put her in it, as soon as i did, i left the room. I was silly and looked round as i left, she put up a fight but within seconds, she'd gone.

i feel bad but i know it was better than letting her suffer days before she died :sad

RIP Molly

I am very sorry for your loss. I get sad whenever I lose any fish. I've never had to euthanize one... I couldn't bring myself to do it...

My dad had a dojo weather loach he had to euthanize... poor thing got stuck in a small hole in a water feature... he had done this before and managed to wiggle himself free... this time however there was no saving him... My dad told me that when he found him, he'd struggled so much he'd almost ripped himself in half... so my dad had to reach in and finish pinching him in half... it broke his heart... he was attached to that loach. Was one of his favorite fish...

/big hugs

I could never drop a brick or cut a fish's head off.... I have a hard enough time disposing of a dead fish... I usually make my boyfriend do it...

Again.. my condolences on the loss of your finned friend.
I can't touch any of my ill fish or pets in general.

Someone else has to do it for me. I'll happily pick up a dead fish at a supermarket with head and tail etc but not one of my pets. I even shake netting them out the tank.

My bird died earlier in the year and he was having a fit and I had to get my dad to move him from the cage. I just can't do it.
A quick blow to the end is definitely the most humane way to do it. That way they feel no pain, no suffering, they die instantly.

I can't do it myself, but on the rare occasion it has been needed, I have had to ask my boyfriend to do it for me.
I had to ice one of my angels earlier this month. I got it from the lfs and within an hour you could tell it was trying to die. It was turning upside down and having trouble was really sad. Oddly enough though I think the fish died instantly when it was put in there..idk if it was just that sick (it didnt even flip around when I netted it) or if I just put in enough cold water/ice
It depends on the size og the fish as to how quickly it will die in frozen water a asmaller fish will lose body heat alot faster than a larger one so it would be more humane to kill a smaller fish in this way than a larger one
ohhh no i couldn't physically do it, hard enough to drop her in ice water.

water stats are 0, she gained dropsy before being put in the new tank, i think i cocked up with the move, putting her in a tub with the heater, other fish are fine. maybe she was just weaker in general :sad:

first casualty in 7 months :sad:
But the thing is the ice will take longer to kill it so if you want the best for your fish then the bag will be the best. You dont have to look just drop it on it and throw it bag straight in the bin.

So what happens if the brick falls odd and only majourly squashes the fish but doesnt kill it? short of actually bashing it with the brick rather than dropping

personally dont like the idea of mutilating fish even if its to be humane, ice water is the method i use, its over quickly, quicker than if id have done nothing and i dont have to deal with burying entrails or a plastic bag which will slow up decomposition

Sorry to hear bout your fish :sad:
Sorry to hear you had to do that :( I did it with a celestial pearl danio once and that was hard enough.
I think with the clove oil method, you are supposed to kill the fish once it's euthanised, by cutting off or smashing the head or freezing. It is an anaesthetic and can wear off, so best to make sure.
So what happens if the brick falls odd and only majourly squashes the fish but doesnt kill it? short of actually bashing it with the brick rather than dropping

There is no reason for the brick to fall odd, bricks should be a sufficient size to allow for any mistakes. A better way is to smash it against a sink or something (holding the tail, so the head hits the hard surface), it kills it instantly. Grim I know, I can't do it either. My boyfriend does it if we need it doing. If I had to do it I would though, as can't bare to watch dying fish.
this may sound cruel but electrecution is also a quick and easy way to put them out of their misery.
would boiling water not be quicker than ice water? thats how lobsters are killed isnt it...
I wouldn't use the brick on the head treatment as I have hit more than enough trout hard over the head only to find them flapping around in my bag later. I have unfortunately had to euthanaise a couple of fish in the past and found that dropping them into vigorously boiling water on the stove kills them instantly.

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