Net And Equipment Steralisation


Fish Fanatic
Jun 19, 2010
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where i work i am in charge of keeping 4 x 70 liter tropical tanks, 2 x 70 liter coldwater tanks and a 250 liter coldwater tank in which we sell fish from (garden center). As you can imagine with most of the fish being turned over on a weekly basis this leaves us prone to disease and infections which must be taken on the chin really (ive been trying to persuade my boss to let me set up 2 more tanks in our warehouse as quarantine holding tanks before they are mixed with the other fish on delivery as i dont even work the days when our delivery are made so cant even check them over)

but basically my question is what is the best way to steralise nets and equipment etc and how would you go about using these nets, we only have 3 nets for us to use (i can buy the company more if needs be but they are abit tight with money :p) so what i do at the moment keep them all in a strong solution of saltwater when not in use and if we get an outbreak of white spot etc i dedicate a net to that particular tank in order not to spread it. Once the white spot has cleared up i will disinfect the net with very hot water (just under boiling) and soak in disinfectant before rinsing thoroughly.

Is saltwater alone enough to keep white spot and similar diseases at bay? Its not very practical to have a net per tank because different sizes are required to catch different fish so we would need at least 2 nets per tank which the boss wouldnt like lol
where i work i am in charge of keeping 4 x 70 liter tropical tanks, 2 x 70 liter coldwater tanks and a 250 liter coldwater tank in which we sell fish from (garden center). As you can imagine with most of the fish being turned over on a weekly basis this leaves us prone to disease and infections which must be taken on the chin really (ive been trying to persuade my boss to let me set up 2 more tanks in our warehouse as quarantine holding tanks before they are mixed with the other fish on delivery as i dont even work the days when our delivery are made so cant even check them over)

but basically my question is what is the best way to steralise nets and equipment etc and how would you go about using these nets, we only have 3 nets for us to use (i can buy the company more if needs be but they are abit tight with money :p) so what i do at the moment keep them all in a strong solution of saltwater when not in use and if we get an outbreak of white spot etc i dedicate a net to that particular tank in order not to spread it. Once the white spot has cleared up i will disinfect the net with very hot water (just under boiling) and soak in disinfectant before rinsing thoroughly.

Is saltwater alone enough to keep white spot and similar diseases at bay? Its not very practical to have a net per tank because different sizes are required to catch different fish so we would need at least 2 nets per tank which the boss wouldnt like lol
ive just had to read the above twice i couldnt believe it the 1st time dont put on here where you work mike you would never sell another fish . as a wholesale outlet you pay less then 80p a net and sell at 3 to four times that i would have thought a net in your bussiness would be classed as a comsumable item , and cant believe you would even cosider re useing a net which has been in contact with deseased fish.i would have thought a net that has traces of salt on would be harmfull to fish could be wrong . i think your boss needs to look at his bussiness seriously because if he skimps on basic fish care it will fail .
i agree, well today i took 8 nets out of stock without telling him and designated one per tank lol

what he doesnt know wont hurt him!

goldfish and mollies and stuff will stand a small amount of salt ok but i dont know about the others so i always rinse them under a tap after soaking them in saltwater
Just if you have a diseased fish etc close of the tank for sale use your equipment then dump it after the treatment has been completed. The only time you'd really need to be netting ill fish is when they've died. Otherwise you shouldn't be removing them for sale, nor should you really keep them on sale if they're suffering from a contagious disease as if one fish has it maybe all fish will have it.

A net per tank is nice, just give it a good rinse under the hot water tap before use.
i net is clear of ICK, if it has been dry for a few hours, same goes for anything else in a tank. no more is needed.

but one net to one tank, cant be too hard for a business to manage. mind you, many expect thier staff to live on minimum wages. so, perhaps, a new car is more important than both?

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