New 95 Litre Tropical Tank Help!


Fish Gatherer
Jul 31, 2010
Reaction score
Taunton, Somerset

I purchased today a 95 litre tropical tank. I have had a coldwater tank previous to this but have decided to upgrade.

I have set it all up currently with no fish as waiting to balance the water out.

I am looking for some advise on the best community of fish I could have and also the recommended amount. I won't buy them all at once as will introduce them slowly to the new tank.

Also is there a better way to get the cycle going and is the fish-less cycle better, if someone could give me full details on what I would have to do for this that would be great!

Many thanks
If you have not got a "must have" fish for this new tank, once cycled and possibly further matured (some fish like Neon tetras have much more survival chance in 6+ month tanks), you need to do so... Perhaps putting any thoughts in this thread ;)

Once you have decided on the "deal breaker" fish, which you have researched and can be sure will suit your 95l tank, you can then find other species that will enjoy the same water conditions and be compatable as far as aggression goes with the "deal breaker."

Here's where you should find all the info you need on cycling...
IMO Fishless Cycle is always better. That way no-one gets hurt (except maybe you from self inflicted head banging if it becomes a long cycle). I'd definitely recommend reading up on it in the beginners section (if you haven't already) and doing it that way.

It also has another bonus. You have a nice size tank there and can fit a fair few fish in it (tho there are some people on this forum that would consider it tiny - it isn't). If you're clever you'll be able to create a nice little community. By fishless cycling it gives you time to research fish and really decide on what you want. Trust me there's so much choice, you'll think you know and then you'll discover something else you want. My "final" stocking list changed loads of times during my cycle. The only original fish that actually made it to my tank was Platys.

Oh and sorry yeah, general rule is 1cm of fish per litre of 1 inch per US gallon.
fish-less cycle is preferred but a fish in cycle can be done without harming fish if done correctly
Thank you for the help!

To be honest I have had a look at the fish and there isn't currently any that I feel I must must have! I just love fish and find them relaxing to watch, I am not actually too worried about what I have I am just interested in a good starting out set-up so that I don't have the wrong fish together or maybe too many of one type!

Sounds like a few tetra shoals might be the way to go for you. Lots of graceful movement and colour :)
go for something like 10 neon tetra and 5 or 6 blind cave tetra or rosy tetra or glowlight tetra :)
Hey after looking for some time I am thinking I would much like a Corydora! I have also been told by a guy in a fish store today too introducemy 2 spotted Danios into my tank, so I have done as he suggested and added my filter from the other tank not being used anymore as it as the bacteria already established. Any suggestions on fish compatible with these 2 would be great! :)
first off, what size filter and did you put the media from the filter, into the filter that came with the tank?

why don't you try a 1 male and 2 female apistogammas (many types, dwarf cichlids and are pretty) and then get 6 julii/leapord corys, possibly adding in some black neon tetras or harlequin rosboras?
The filter I have is for up to 100 litres and came with my new tank. I have added the old sponge part of my old filter in with the new sponge to transfer some bacteria.
Which of your suggestions would be the best to introduce first? I don't want to overload my tank so will be buying a few at a time!
Thank you for your help :)
if you like corydoras have a look at panda corys they are my fave type by far! i have 6 in my tank

corys are best in groups of 5 or 6 at least so go for at least 5 and they will be much happier! dont add any more fish for a few weeks though, you might be tempted but until your bacteria gets established properly your fish will not be thriving and adding more fish will only slow down the process
Are you able to mix different types of corys? so maybe a couple pandas and couple others, still making 6 in total or do they have to be the same type?
I will be leaving the tank for a while before I add anymore for def!!!

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