How Often Do You Feed Fish?


New Member
Jul 31, 2010
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hi, how often do you actually feed your fish?
it may sound a crazy question but some pet stores and people tell me all different times and when etc.
is it due to size population or just the fish??

obviously i dont want my fishies to starve lol but dont want to make them morbidly obese! :lol:
how often do you feed yours ?

thanks all again for posts :good:
small pinch in morning and small pinch at night.

Alessa x.
I feed mine 3/4 time a day. They eat a few pellets each time. I feed often and small amounts, some days it can be once or twice, the next maybe 3. Depends if i'm working or out. Depends on your fish also ofcourse.
little and often is best for the fish but isnt always possible, a very small amount 3 times a day would be great but slightly more just once a day is fine, if you think how they are in the wild they are picking at small amounts all day long...

i tend to feed mine morning and night, i put some flakes in on a morning for the normal fish then on a night i only give catfish pellets for my corys and loaches, i also give a slice of cucumber over 3 days or so which they strip bare! i try to give frozen instead of flake at least once a week and live every now and again, generally as long as they clean it up in around 2 minutes your fine. some fish will gobble up extra food you give them anyway but this makes them fat and can lead to swimbladder disorder

i also like to miss a days feeding every now and again which helps their digestion.
If you have a new tank, it's best to feed once daily, so you don't put a straine on the filter... but once your tank is settled, I sy twice daily, and if you can, three times daily.

I feed a small amount once a day yet my tank/fish have shown some signs of over that out! lol
I feed flake food once per day - about what they can eat in 2 minutes. So I spread one small pinch across the top - wait - and if that gets eaten quickly, another, etc. Once per week I'll go with frozen blood worms. And every once in a while I skip feeding a day. The fish seem to be doing okay.
This all depends on the species, their age, tank temperature which affect metabolism, and what your goals are for the fish. Young fry may get fed several times daily, large mature cichlids that are not being conditioned for breeding may get fed 2-3 times weekly.

If you gave us a list of the fish you are keeping, their ages, and what your goals are we wouild be able to give you a better idea of what would be good for them in terms of food.

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