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  1. M

    Betta Avatar Graphics Anyone?

    If you possibly could.... If you could say Darts on the bottom...
  2. M

    Preparing To Keep Another Betta

    It looks okay. Don't be too worried. Does it have a light or heater? You most probably will need one.
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    Quick Noob Question

    I personally feed my lil plump butt 5 pellets a day (one feeding)
  4. M

    Quick Noob Question

    Hello! Just had my betta accept himself and the others and is now living happily in a 10g community tank. I was just wondering about feeding. I had just finished hand feeding my betta his pellets and as usual, sprinkled some flakes at the surface for the remaining guppies and platies. To my...
  5. M

    Sick Fish (bent Body & Swimming Franticly)

    yes please. I really do hope he makes it
  6. M

    Bears Gone

    He was soo adorable :( I wish I had seen mroe of him...he's just adorable...R.I.P Bear :(
  7. M

    Hi Guys....

    LOVE HIM...I'm finding out where you live, going to your house, and robbing him, no matter what! So adorable
  8. M

    Quick Question=answer Plz

    ok i put it and it seemed to clear up :| and thxx again
  9. M

    Quick Question=answer Plz

    I'm adding more salt and using Jungle's Ick Guard. It has worked for me before, especially when Darts had serious Ick. Will this harm live plants?
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    Crazy Platy!

    LOL an accident and an extra gift from your LFS gives you a nice and happy platy. And happy me 200th post =)
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    Quick Question=answer Plz

    Thanks a lot for the helpful advice...raising the temperature as we speak. At least I'm catching it early.
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    Do You Grow Or Buy

    I personally buy mine at first and then, if a branch is well developed and begins growing roots, I purposely trim it off and tie it down it the tank GENTLY. Then, that grows like beans with magic dust and a couple of weeks later, a brand new, BIG, plant is born
  13. M

    Quick Question On Compatability!

    Depends on both genders. If you get male guppies in a small school and the bettas are found alone or seperate, yes, there could be some nipping. But if you have 2 bettas that stick together 24/7, the guppies shouldn't nip or even get close to. Although the guppies may not want to nip, the bettas...
  14. M

    Ideal Temp Of A Tank

    26 is exactly what my tank is @ now
  15. M

    Quick Question=answer Plz

    firstly, not allowed to have another tank, secondly no space, thirdly, bettas IMO and IME are good with salt. I have had both my bettas in tanks with salt and it seriously helps them by not only opening and relaxing their bowels(spl?) but heals their injuries, scratches, ripped/torn fins and...
  16. M

    Quick Question=answer Plz

    I just noticed that 2 of my guppies are beginning to catch ich :S somehow. Anyways, I have 15 lil fry in the tank as well as a betta and 2 platies. What should I use or put in the tank? Ich removal? Or just some more salt? 10gallons.. Thanks
  17. M

    Egg Tumbler

    seems like a cool idea!!! and it looks like a mini heater =P
  18. M

    Peanuts Gone...

    sorry to hear about Peanut :sad:
  19. M

    Bettas And Guppies

    please do not write in all caps. It makes you sound like you're yelling. As to your question, it all depends on your betta and your guppies. For example, at first, my betta couldn't stand being in the same tank as the little guppies. He would flare and chase them all around the tank and stress...
  20. M

    Guppys Swimming At The Top?

    you may have answered your own question. They may enjoy playing in the current so much that they just stay there. =P Just my opinion
  21. M

    My New Tank..any Addition?

  22. M

    My New Tank..any Addition?

    hello everyone! I just finished re-arranging my tank and this is what I have now. Any additions to be made? More plants? Less? Where? Rearrange my tank and post your idea pweez. And no I don't have any substrate or gravel. Just a clean bottom and I want to keep it like that.
  23. M

    Betta Quick Fix

    good job. At least your cousin is well-edumacated enough to know the difference between right and wrong;humane and inhumane :) Thumbs way up for that!!
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    They Did It!

    good to hear everything is going well. Hope it stays like that and keep us updated!!
  25. M

    My Boys Divided Tank.

    wow very nice and organized tank!! love it..and btw, your bettas look good too. Sorry to here about mr. legolas :(
  26. M

    Finally Understood Jeez!

    finally yes!! I've been waiting and trying to see how it would be. Now they live in happy harmony.
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    Finally Understood Jeez!

    After almost 8 months of being in a divided tank, Darts has realized that platies and guppies can't hurt him. I tried today for the 4th time ever to see how they would react together. Finally he has understood that he's stronger. He doesn't flare and can go face to face with any fish and just...
  28. M

    What To Do About Breeding?

    hmm a 75gallon, many fry will survive if bred :) :( so you must choose. All males and you may see some nipping and chasing.A ratio of 1male:2females may help reduce but still.
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    from many losses comes the 3 golden fihs..hope they survive and grow up to be big and strong :) sorry to hear about YOKO :(:(:(
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    Yay Guppy Fry Galore+question!

    no that's not the problem. Them problem of having adult guppies and a platy to feed AS WELL as the fry...sorry for not clarifying
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    Who's The Daddy?!

    good to hear! I personally received a quick pregnancy and 36 guppy fry later, I'm a father (again) =P
  32. M

    Yay Guppy Fry Galore+question!

    lol yay!! A couple of days ago, my female guppy gave birth to 30+ lil fry. The total count I have now is 36-42. Just a question: how can I feed them? I was planning not to care for them and have them survive on their own. For feeding, should i put both fry food and guppy flakes or just one or...
  33. M

    Here's Some Of My Guppy Fry At 6 Wks Old offense but too bad they don't have some nice colours to them....they are very cute little school
  34. M

    Not Again! :p

    alrite thanks a lot :)
  35. M

    Not Again! :p

    and..umm *GOBBLE GOBBLE MUNCH MUNCH* them down?
  36. M

    Not Again! :p

    lol...ironically, yesterday, because of the shock of a water change, 7 of the platy fry died :( But one male guppy survived. Now, he's impregnated another one of my female guppies. I don't want to care for another litter (too much work) so what should I do? Just let nature run it's course?
  37. M Many Problems

    help pweeezz
  38. M Many Problems

    and how about feeding them? I know one lil fry has actually developed a nice orange tail and a black body (male). And surpriseingly, the platy hangs around with the guppies as if it's one of them :P I just can't bare to let a fish go :( I was thinking of letting go my newer betta but I don't...
  39. M Many Problems

    hello everyone.I currently have 2 female adult guppies, an adult female platy, 2 male bettas and 8 growing lil guppies. Problem(s): I have one 10g tank. Currently, I have it divided into 2 (one side for one betta and the other side for the guppies and platy (the baby guppies too). I also have a...
  40. M

    Good Tanks For A Single Betta

    I don't take the risk of jumping bettas :P That tank looks actually pretty good. I wouldn't mind having something like that instead of dividing my 10g into 2 parts :(