Quick Noob Question


Fish Crazy
Dec 29, 2006
Reaction score
Toronto, Ontario
Hello! Just had my betta accept himself and the others and is now living happily in a 10g community tank. I was just wondering about feeding. I had just finished hand feeding my betta his pellets and as usual, sprinkled some flakes at the surface for the remaining guppies and platies. To my surprise, the betta began to munch on oncoming flakes. Is this ok? He does eat them without spitting them out. Thanks
Betta's will eat anything floating, so yes it is okay. I if I remeber right, betta's need alot of protein, that is why they need a specail food( from what I read like 2 years ago).
I figure it's fine for them to eat it and I've fed mine flakes in a pinch, it's probably not best for their colors though and I would stick to the pellets. I wouldn't be too alarmed though.. Betta's can be little piggies :)
Yeah I have a female in our 28 gallon. I feed her 4 pellets per day (once when I wake and once at night).
I put the pellets in first for her to make sure she gets them, then sprinkle in flakes for the other fish, and her little oinker butt eats those as well.
Think I'm actually going to have to feed her less pellets b/c she's really starting to plump up more than I like.
Not wanting to rain on your parade but it would be wrong of me not to point out that guppies and bettas are always referred to as being bad tank mates due to aggression in my experience. If you do a google search for bettas you will find this is the case. IMO bettas are not community fish and should be kept as solitary species. You may get occasional ones that get on with their tank mates but in the main, things will go wrong sooner rather than later.


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